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Someone actually commented on my story! I'm so excited!

Soon enough these chapters wil each be an episode, but it's sort of rocky and awkwardly spaced at first until I get the hang of it.


My stomach plummeted to my feet when she asked him to go get some wine with her and he agreed. We all knew that meant they were going to hook up! It was like what happened with us just didn’t matter to him. Just when I thought I might have a chance with him, he goes and does shit with some random girl. I immediately wanted to go home, but I felt my phone ring and glanced down at it.

Scott’s not answering my text. Lydia and I are outside and we need to talk to you guys.

Allison texted me for some reason and she was here with Lydia. I was actually grateful for an excuse to get out of this party and away from Stiles being attached to some girl. I didn’t want to see him with Lydia much less some random blonde slut. No, that was rude, I didn’t even know this girl and slut-shaming was wrong.

“Hey Scott, Allison just texted me and said that she was outside with Lydia,” I said, walking up to him and taking his wrist. “She said that you’re ignoring her texts.”

He yanked his phone out of his pocket and I saw him frowning. “She texted me and so did Lydia, oh. Do you want to come outside with me and talk to them? Lily seems to be having fun with that girl and Stiles probably has his hands full...”

I flinched a little at the implication and followed him back out onto the lawn. Lydia and Allison were standing off to the side with their heads bent in intense conversation. We walked up to them and Scott cleared his throat so they would look up at us. Allison seemed relieved that I’d came out with him. I guess things were still rocky between the two of them.

“Hey, what’s up?” I asked when I saw that Scott was too busy staring at Allison to form words. “Is something wrong?”

“No, it’s actually something Lydia noticed about our bruises,” she said, rolling up her sleeve as Lydia did the same. “They’re symmetrical.”

They placed their forearms together and showed them to Scott and me. It looked like one of them had outlined the bruises and together they made a symbol. It looked familiar, but not familiar enough for me to place where I’d seen it before.

“Your bruises are the same?” Scott asked, finally joining the conversation. “I’m still confused on how they don’t look like that girl’s hands…”

“Yeah, but it’s not like things in this town ever make sense!” Lydia exclaimed, dropping her arm and glaring at Scott. “Sorry, I’m just agitated lately.”

“That’s cool, guys, just leave me at a party from another high school!” Lily said, slamming the door behind her and coming down to stand with us. “I love talking to large groups of strangers!”

“You seemed to be pretty happy in there,” I said, smiling at her. “That girl seemed to really be keeping your attention pretty well…”

“I was until her boyfriend came back and shoved his tongue down her throat,” she groaned, tossing her hands into the air.

“Okay, back to the bruises. What do you think they are?” Allison asked gently, trying to turn the attention back to the situation at hand, or arm, I guess.

“I think we should show them to Derek tomorrow and see what he thinks,” Scott said, running a hand over his face in frustration. “Unless any of you have a better idea.”

Aeonian •Book 1•Where stories live. Discover now