Emmiie Presents: The Inside Scoop on Crown of Thorns

Start from the beginning


5.) Past flames. In Crown of Thorns you will discover some past love interests for both Noah and Darien.

6.) See another side of Noah, including widely requested sex scenes.

) See another side of Noah, including widely requested sex scenes

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7.) And of course, there's some torture scenes, breakdowns, betrayals and even certain characters being turned into undead, blood sucking vampires!


Though Newborn, Helena Series does provide a lot of modern detail told from Helena's point of view, the origin stories allow us to dig a little deeper into the grit of the male protagonist's past and even find some skeletons lurking within their closest!



I heard the muffled sound of men talking as I breathed quickly through the black cotton bag that covered my head, shielding my eyes from whatever surrounded us.

My hands and feet were bound tightly by metal and this bemused me. Was I really this much a threat to them?

I listened intently as they spoke.

"But he's so scrawny," said Man One. "What if it's not him? What if he's not the chosen one?"

"Oh he is," replied Man Two.

"How can you be so sure?"

"He took a bite from the Ranger's left ear. Went rogue during the flight. Mid air."

"Mid air?" Man One repeated. He sounded surprised. "Isn't that a death wish for him?"

"Yeah, probably."

"That doesn't prove anything." Man One snorted. "Just stupidity."

Then music started playing.

It was quite odd.

The sound was bouncing around loudly from where I was seated. It was upbeat and seemed to pop right out from somewhere behind me. A man sung about disgusting matters, such as bed-swerving—whatever that was—and finding whores at a brothel.

I didn't like it.

However, what was stranger, was that we were moving. As though we were on a horse and carriage, but smoother. There was an odd humming sound beyond the music and one of the men started to sing the repetitive part of the song, about getting his 'long-sword out and hitting all the harlots.'

I felt my face scrunch and tried to tune out, thinking about other possible escape strategies. For now, as much as I loathed it, I was trapped. Still, I tried to pry myself free from the metal wrapped around my wrists.

My thumbs seemed to stop me and for a moment I wondered if perhaps I could break them.

I winced and held my breath and I pulled, trying to get my hand free, but then we seemed to stop.

The sound of a door opening followed, then I was pulled from the car.

"Let go of me!" I said, struggling.

This proved to be ineffectual, yet still, I tried.

"Let me go!" I screamed.

The man pulling me along by my shoulder stopped us for a moment to speak with a woman.

"That's him?" she asked. She had a similar skeptical tone to Man One and I grit my teeth. "But he's just a small boy."

"Hm," replied the man who held me. "We have a bet in the rec room. Majority says we've snagged the wrong kid, so we're gambling on what the king will do to this one. I say he'll feed him to the piranhas."

The woman snorted. "Please, he's all bone."

"Oh, you want in, Mags?"

"When have I ever said no a pool?" she replied. "Five hundred says he's fed to the dogs, like puppy chow."

The man who held me laughed and pulled me along, his grip was rough and unyielding. I heard doors open and then I was thrown onto the floor. "I have your delivery," was all the man said.

"Thank you," another voice replied.

They spoke for a moment, but it was all distant babble and hard to hear what they said. A few minutes passed and the doors opened and slammed closed.

Everything went quiet and that silence seemed to drag on forever. My heart thudded inside my chest and all I could hear was the sound of my heavy breathing.

Then the bag on my head was torn off.

Everything was bright and stung my eyes. I blinked as the outline of a man became evident. Behind him, was a giant window that illuminated the large room and made him glow. The room was quite strange, made up of deep reds and dark wood furniture mixed with gold, but it was the man who stood before me that held my attention.

He had chestnut coloured hair, dressed in odds clothes, fastened with mechanical properties I had only seen on the vampires that had attacked my family and I, but his skin held some colour. He was tanned. Alive.

As he stepped closer, I noticed his golden stare.

"Hello Noah," he chimed. "My name is Madrick. You are probably very confused about all of this, but I am here to help you. Guide you. Like your own guardian angel."

I stared in response, the words catching on my tongue. "W—where am I?" I asked.

He smiled. "You are in Eidolon, which is a realm of the supernatural, colonized by the undead—the vampires."

"Why am I here?"

He stepped closer, his eyes peeled onto mine. "You are here, young Noah, because you were destined to be. You are here, because someday, you will be our king."


Now for the super awesome giveaway! In celebration of the #WattpadBlockParty and all the fantastic writers featured here, I'm giving 5 people the chance to win a free eBook copy of Newborn! Details below.

Love, Emmiie. ♥


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