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Kyungsoo was hot, too hot, he woke up sweating like there was no tomorrow, not understanding how nor why... he didn't wet the bed did he?

He tried to get up to find out what was happening but failed miserably, an arm was blocking him to move any further, and a leg, and a chest, and... a human freaking body. All flesh and bone and warmth. He started to yell of fright and kicked as hard as he could the 'thing' out of his bed, grabbed his plushy and ran to the bathroom in the room to lock himself in it and be protected from whoever that was (all rooms in the house got a bathroom with it, but there is still a main big one).
Meanwhile Chanyeol woke up with pain, he landed not so gracefully on his butt, the tail bone to be more precise, and damn we all know that hurts. He looked at his torso, where kyungsoo foot kicked him 'It'll leave  a bruise and ,i bet , a foot shape urgh'.

-Wait... Kyungsoo??


All he could do was panic, Kyungsoo wasn't by his side, he wasn't in the room at all!

-SOO! ! Where are you???!!!!

He was searching everywhere, even in the stupidiest places he could think of  like the closet or under the desk or behind one of his many posters.
Just when he was about to give up he heard a noise... a quiet sob...IN THE BATHROOM!
Quickly je made his way there, knocking multiple times on the door.

-Soo you're in there?? Soo!

The sobbing stopped a little, sniffles replacing it.

-...it's locked.
Chanyeol sighed
-Just open it then soo, i need to talk to you.

-No it's locked, I'm stuck Channie! Kyungsoo started to cry more, and harder, letting fat tears roll down his cheeks. Chanyeol fcould feel his heart breake, he just wanted to take kyungsoo in his arms and never let him go, wrap him a in blanket cocoon, the outside world was to bad for him, he wanted to keep him forever by his side, be the only one to see him smile, cry or whatever.The only one to love him.

-Oh shit!! Wait here don't move I'll be back, just don't move!!

He received a small sniffle as a green light.


Bubbles  [Park Chanyeol×Do Kyungsoo]Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ