TLMR (pt. 5)

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As he said this, he felt himself starting to get lightheaded. Karma noticed and helped the boy steady himself. "Mhm." The redhead hummed, not fully believing him. "You know man, I think you swallowed too much sea water. Let's get you back to the palace and you can tell me all about your dream girl there." He said with a smirk, making the bluenette blush lightly.

"C'mon Happy." Karma called to the blue cat who was flying over the water. He had caught Haylee's scent and started following it. "Huh? Oh, okay! I'm coming!" He yelled before following the two boys.

Haylee and the others were hiding behind a rock and once the boy's were out of sight, Neko hugged her little sister and squealed. "Did you catch his name?! Who was he?! Ooooh!!! I ship it!!" She yelled.

"S-sissy! Calm down!!" Haylee exclaimed while blushing brightly.

Ella giggled at the two then looked at Neko. "And what about you strawberry?~ I saw you looking at that redhead the whoooole time!"

Neko's eyes widened and a blush appeared on her cheeks. "I-I don't know what you're talking about!" She said.

Kyle smirked. "Sure you weren't." He said, then his smirk faded.

"That was too close you two! We need to make sure that king Natsu doesn't hear about this at all. He'll be extremely upset if he finds out that both of his sisters were making goo goo eyes at two humans." He said. "So let's just keep this a secret between the five of us. Okay?" He asked, but only Matthew was paying attention to him.

Ella and Neko were still chatting about what had just happened and Haylee was now perched on the rock, in her own little world.

"I don't know when
I don't know how
But I know something's starting right now
Watch and you'll see
Someday I'll be part of your world"

As she sang this part a wave washed over the group. Ella quickly flew out of the way, but the others were doused by the water.

A few bubbles were seen a few yards away from the group and two heads popped out of the water, one with red hair and fox ears, the other with pure white hair. They had been watching the whole thing.

Inside the sea creature's skeleton the woman with dark hair and purple eyes was watching everything that was going on.

A chuckle left her lips. "Oh no no. I can't believe it. This is too easy." She said as she swam over to the crystal ball that was showing her everything. "The palace brat is in love with a human." She said with a smirk appearing on her face.

"And it's not just any old human. A prince!" She said with a laugh. "Oh big brother'll love that won't he?" She said to herself before turning her head. "King Natsu's headstrong, lovesick sister would definitely make a charming addition to my little garden." She said with a smirk as she swam over to the main opening of the skeleton.

On the ground below her, were sea polyps that seemed to be somewhat human like. As she swam by, the polyps shrunk downwards, wishing to hide from the woman above them that had turned them into what they are.

Evil laughter soon broke the silence as the dark haired woman soon thought up a scheme to get the power she had always craved.

The next morning at the palace, everyone was in a cheerful mood. A mermaid with blonde hair and brown eyes called out to Haylee, who was at the moment, still in her room. "Haylee, it's time to come out now."

"Sorry about that Lucy. Good morning." Haylee replied with a kind smile as she started humming to herself which was very unusual for her. Haylee was a shy girl and rarely wanted to sing or even hum aloud. She swam over to one of the vanity sets and sat down while looking at her reflection.

"Are you feeling alright Haylee?" A woman with short brown hair asked as she placed a hand on the girl's shoulder.

"Couldn't be better Athena." The girl replied as she looked in the mirror. She fixed up her hair a bit and adjusted her eyepatch, still humming to herself.

Soon, most of the females that lived in the castle were crowding around her, one by one, starting to realize why she was acting the way she was.

Haylee didn't mind and she picked a purple flower that was growing beside her. She took in it's lovely sent as she started swimming away, still humming to herself.

As she was swimming, she bumped into Natsu who gave her a bright smile. Haylee returned the smile with a giggle. "Morning bro bro." She said happily while placing the flower into his hair. "Morning Haylee." He said happily and watched her swim away, now singing softly to herself.

The other women who were crowded around her earlier watched her swim away. "Oh she's got it bad." A woman with white hair and blue eyes said with a giggle.

"What? What does she have?" Natsu asked, now looking a bit worried.

"Isn't it obvious Natsu?" Lucy asked with a smile. "Haylee's in love."

Natsu reached up to take the flower out of his hair, having mixed feelings about the news. "My littlest sister, love?!"

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