Chapter 6

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After the Rogue told me about Milly, I fell to the floor in shock. I knew Milly had been obsessed with Rogues for years but never had I thought it would go any further than printings about them.

'Look I know it's a lot to take in but believe it or not I'm here to help.'

As he said this, I stood up and slapped him as hard as I could. I marched over to the door and before locking it, I took one last look at him.

'Enjoy your stay.'

Within 20 minutes I was back at the party, everybody was still dancing to my surprise, entering the room Ronan grabbed me and asked where I had disappeared to.

'Dad, I felt queasy, I've been in the bathroom, but I'm fine now, honestly.'

Before he could say anything further I returned in my seat next to Milly. Looking over at her smiling face, clapping her hands and humming along with the music, I couldn't believe a word that the Rogue had said, Milly might have done a lot of things but cohorting with Rogues was not one of them.

As the evening wore on the night went by smoothly, we were each presented with our different birthday cakes, Milly's cake was 2 tiered with icing the colour of blood all around the trim of the cake, mines however was a simple one tiered cake, all black with a cherry on the top. Every vamp in the colony sang happy birthday while Milly and I sliced our cakes and ate the first piece, after the song was finished Ronan presented us with our crowns and place them on each of our heads, then came the speeches, Ronan, as is tradition went first, then mother, then me and finally Milly.

'Good evening everyone, I first of all wanted to thank each and every one of you for attending our birthday celebration, we haven't been the easiest children to deal with and for that I am truly sorry. With that said I'm sure you are proud of who Cheska has turned out to be, me, not so much, I'm more the disappointment of the family.'

At this people began to mutter wandering where this was going.

'And it is with great pleasure that I tell all of you that I will no longer be a part of this colony, instead I will be-'

Before she could finish, the power went out, everything went dark. Panicking, I tried to sense where Milly was, it was then I heard an ear shattering scream.

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