Chapter 4

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Days had passed since Milly's confession, I was still mulling over what she had said, she hadn't had blood in a while so maybe she said what she did out of hunger, but that didn't explain where she wanted the blood to come from. Right then and there I decided to spend every minute I could with Milly, she needed help and I wasn't going to let her become a Rogue. Every morning before I left for work I made sure to leave two blood bags by her bed, every evening I brought home a donor and supervised her drinking, just in case she went too far. The day before our birthday Milly looked a lot better than she had, her glow was back, her hair was shiny and thick, her face no longer looked gaunt, she looked like her again, she even sounded and acted like her old self, I couldn't help the big grin that had spread across my face.

'What are you grinning at?'

Hearing her sound so normal and happy made me laugh hysterically, this in turn made her launch into a fit of giggles, after wiping the tears from our eyes I began to answer her question.

'I'm just so happy that you're you again.'

'Me too.'

And with that we hugged and spoke most of the night about what we had missed out on in each other's lives, it was the beginning of what we used to be, just like our 21st would mean, a new beginning for us both.


The day of our birthday passed in a blur of presents from our parents, two separate cakes and lots of hugs and kisses from our mother. I had to attend a meeting with Ronan but straight after I was allowed to go to home and spend the day with Milly, before the celebration took place were not allowed to interact with any of the colony except family as was tradition. During the meeting, Ronan asked me to record what was being said so that we could go over it together after the weekend, it was an odd thing of him to ask but I did it anyway, it must have been important. 5 minutes later the meeting was underway. Ronan, as always took the lead and was the first to speak.

'I understand that some of you may have heard the news of Rogue's being seen near the village, this is true, he was captured and imprisoned, he was seen feeding on a young woman, if we hadn't have caught him he would have killed her, we are bringing him in for questioning in this meeting, right now.'

Before I could react a young man was brought in, he looked just like any other vamp, except he was covered in blood. The questioning began right away.

'How many of you are there still in existance?'

The Rogue simply looked at Ronan and smiled, but said nothing.

'Why were you so near our village when you know the consequences?'

Again the Rogue just smiled without saying a thing. After 15 more minutes of the same routine Ronan finally gave up.

'Lock him up in a cell, tomorrow he will be exterminated, the humans aren't to find out about this.'

And with that the Rogue was taking away and the meeting had  come to an end, but not before the Rogue turned and addressed not Ronan but me.

'I would watch over your sis if I was you.'

All eyes turned on me, what did he mean, was Milly in danger? I had to find out.


On the drive home dad continuously asked me questions concerning the Rogue, did I know him, what did he mean, how does he know Milly. Eventually I stopped answering, he knew that I didn't have any answers, I had other things on my mind, like protecting Milly.

When I arrived home Milly was drinking a blood bag at the kitchen counter.

'Mills, odd question but do you know a Rogue with deep blond hair, brown eyes with an American accent?'

At this she stopped drinking, she had a look of knowing on her face but when she spoke it betrayed that look.

'Why would I know any Rogues?'

'No reason.'

And I left the kitchen, racking my brain asking myself why she would lie to me, on the other hand I could have misjudged the look and the Rogue could be lying, but then why tell me to look out for her, why did he care that she was in danger?

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