Chapter 5

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Later that evening, before heading to the party, Milly and I helped each-other get ready, I couldn't stop thinking about what the Rogue had said at the meeting, I wanted to speak about it with Milly some more but I knew she would only lie to me, I had to sneak into dads office tonight during the party, it was the only way I would get the truth, as I was putting on my makeup I began planning what was to happen later that night.

After putting on the finishing touches, Milly came over to me and gestured for me to turn around, it seemed she wanted to put a necklace on me, my neck did look very bare.

'This is very important to me Cheska, it's given me a lot of luck and now it's your turn to wear it.'

I turned to look at her, confusion on my face.

'What are you talking about? Milly is everything okay? Talk to me.'

At that she just kissed my cheek and walked out of the room without a single word, if I was worried before, now it was ten times worse.


We both arrived at the party just in time, each of us getting out of separate cars, we joined together, Milly in her silver, tight fitting dress coming to a stop just above the knee and me in an aqua gown and flowed just above my feet, as we clasped each-others hands, we began our ascent up the stairs and into the party. Everyone in our colony had showed, as we entered through the double doors into the large hall, I heard gasps and even crying, without looking I could tell it was our mother, she wasn't the crying type but the few times I had seen her cry, the sound had been embedded in my brain. As is tradition, we headed towards the two large throne like chairs in the centre of the hall, we were to sit there until the first dance, where one of the colony's finest men would take the opportunity to dance with us, halfway through this dance, all the guests would join us, it was something similar to a human wedding, or so I had heard. It was at this stage of the party where I would leave the hall, I would tell my date that I was going to the bathroom, the office was just a few doors down from the hall so I wouldn't be gone longer than half an hour. The only difficulty I would face is getting the keys to the door that led to the Rogue, Ronan would have them on him, of that I was certain, I just had to find a way of retrieving them.

Just before the first dance commenced, I waved Ronan over. I saw the shape of the keys in his trouser pocket, a bit careless of him but I suspected he didn't think anyone would steal them, no vamp ever got involved in the business of Rogues. As soon as my father came over, I stood and gave him the biggest cuddle I could, he seemed surprised by this but after a few seconds he hugged me back, I took this opportunity to slide my hand into his pocket and take hold of the single key that I needed, as we pulled apart I put my hand to my hair and hid the key in my bun.

'Dad, this is going to be the best night, you are the best dad and leader a girl could ask for.'

At this he smiled, it was at that moment that the music for the first dance started, traditional vamp music which included harps, violins, viola's and many other stringed instruments, vamps loved classical music. As we dance around the room I tried to get my date as close to the door as possible, it would be easier to leave that way. Halfway into the song, as predicted, everyone else began to join us on the dance floor, once it was full of dancing bodies I took my chance and headed of the door, my date didn't even notice me letting go of him, he was too engrossed in watching everyone else on the dance floor.


Leaving the party had been easy, no one had even noticed and if they did I had an excuse ready for when I got back. Walking to the offices only took 5 minutes, I used my key card to unlock the doors into the main lobby, the room the Rogue was being held in was the furthest room on the left. As I approached the door I looked in through the small glass window to see what he was doing, there was no way I was going in on a surprise attack. Looking in I saw that he was sitting on his single bed staring at his hands intensely. As I unlocked the door it prised the Rogue to look up, he smiled, it was almost as if he expected me.

'Just to let you know I am an excellent fighter so I wouldn't bother trying anything if I was you.'

At this he laughed.

'I want to know what you meant when you said earlier. How do you know my sister?'

Upon hearing what I had to say, his smile suddenly changed to a look of sadness, I was surprised by this, I didn't expect him to have any emotions at all.

'Your sister has been meddling in things she doesn't understand, she came to the Rogues some time ago and now they plan on using her against your father.'

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