Chapter 3

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Over the years Milly became more and more withdrawn, she barely left the house, she never spoke to me after the incident at school, not in the way she used to anyway. After hearing that we had both left school Ronan was furious, I had never seen him so angry.

'You've let the whole family down, you are the daughters of a leader and now you've humiliated me!'

For a month he refused to speak to us, I didn't blame him, all of the vampires looked up to him, he didn't like to show any signs of weakness, with me and Milly not graduating it showed that he couldn't keep his daughters under control.

After ignoring us for 4 weeks Ronan showed up at the donor hall where Milly and I were having lunch, blood bags didn't always suffice for us so occasionally we came to the donor bank for fresh blood, it tasted so much better.

'I have a proposal for the two of you, since you were kicked out of school without graduating and without that diploma you will not get a job so, both of you will work for me, Milly you will be my shadow learning how to be a leader and Cheska, you will be my new receptionist.'

It was an offer we couldn't refuse, Milly was next in line to take over once father retired or died, she had all the makings of a leader so I wasn't surprised that he chose her over me. We had no choice but to take it.


Working for dad didn't turn out to be as bad as I had thought, I liked being a receptionist, the vamps were always friendly, and although I never got to see or hear what went on in the offices, I felt important anyway. Milly on the other hand seemed to hate the job dad had given her and took every opportunity to get him to fire her, he eventually had no choice but to do just that when a human had entered the building and Milly took him hostage, to prove she wasn't joking around, she bit him. Ronan was furious, he had to compel the human to forget, if the humans had heard of what had happened, Milly would have been severely punished, or killed. From then on Milly was confined to the house, she didn't speak to anyone and after a while I gave up, she wasn't my Milly anymore, something in her had changed.

A few years later, Ronan decided it was time for me to train to be his replacement when the time came, I was to start the day after my 21st birthday which was just a few days away. Whenever a vamp turned 21 there was a massive celebration, a party would be held within the colony's largest building so that everyone could fit inside. Blood donors were bought, of course they had a human guardian to make sure we didn't take too much, presents were presented and then of course was the crowning from Ronan himself which everyone loved, he was their leader of course. The crowning resembled new beginning, and maybe, just maybe, Milly might come back to me.

That night I was so excited by the news I ran straight upstairs to the attic where I knew Milly would be, it's where she spent all her time these days.

'Milly guess what! Dad is making me his shadow after our 21st celebration!'

Upon hearing my voice she turned around and smiled, or what I assume was a smile, it was more like a grimace. I couldn't help but think how awful she looked, her cheeks were sunken in, she looked frail, she didn't look like Milly, I was worried. Before I could say anything though, she got there first.

'I know I look terrible, I've been drinking less and less blood, I don't want this life anymore Cheska, needing blood to survive and not only can't we have it from fresh bodies but we have to drink it stale from a freaking blood bag!'

This made me even more panicked than before, she was starting to sound like a Rogue, Ronan had told us stories about them, and Milly sounded just like a Rogue, one in particular, Hans. Hans was the leader of the Rogues and as never caught, no one knew if he was alive or dead, he believed that vampires should always have a fresh supply of blood and that meant taking it straight from the source, with or without their consent.

'Milly you sound like-'

Before I could finish the sentence she was face to face with me, I don't know how she had moved so fast, even normal vamps can't move that fast.

'What, I sound like what? A Rogue, is that why you're scared? Maybe it would have been better if they had stuck around.'

And with that, she quietly went over to her bed, turned her back and whispered something that I couldn't quite hear. If I was worried before, now I was completely terrified, I didn't know what to do.

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