Introduction to Charactes

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Guys this ff starts from Sanskar's return as mad man but not in my ff and not only that In my ff janki is alive and swara is janki's daughter and Ragini Shamistha's daughter.

Sanskar and Swara know each other from childhood swara knows everything about Sanskar but he doesn't know anything about her family how they treat her because she never told him. later Kavitha joined them in High school.

I hope I cleared all the points but still I will give you character sketch.

Now introduction:

Mr and Mrs Deendayal Gadodia:

Grandparents of Swara and Ragini and Ayush. Loves and pampers Ragini a lot. Treats Shamistha as their own daughter where as hates  Janki and Swara because janki was not Parvati's choice. But still keeps them in house for their respect.

Shekar Gadodia:

Father of Swaragini and Ayush. Loves his second wife shamistha and her children Ragini and Ayush. He doesn't give a damn about Swara and janki.

Shamista Gadodia:

Mother of Ragini and Ayush. Second wife of Shekar. Likes Swara and her Mom janki.

Janki Gadodia:

Loves her daughter Swara more than anything in the world. Loves Shamistha as her own sister and treats her children as her own children.

Swara Gadodia:

Loves her mom more than her life. Elder of the house loves ragini and Ayush as her own siblings. Completed her MBA in business management. Working as florist  in Flower shop because she loves nature. Calm like her mom loves to dance and sing. Treats Shamistha as her second mother. Swara is 24 years old.

Ragini Gadodia:

Pampered and loved by her grandparents, parents and brother. Nor loves or likes Swara  and her mother to the core. Studying MBA final year. Very naughty and prankster. Bubbly and chirpy. Ragini 23years old

Ayush Gadodia:

Pampered and loved by his grandparents, parents and sister Ragini. He is having neutral feelings towards his elder sister Swara and her mom. Studying MBA third year. Prankster of the house.
Ayush is 22 years old.

Maheswari family characters are same and there also we negative characters when storyline is proceeding you'll to know. In  story we can see love and romance of Swara and Sanskar.

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