{Chapter 8 - A little change in Attitude}

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"What might that be?" He said lifting you up closer to his face, he looked really pissed off but you just smiled.

"White guy" you smiled even wider as Jeff just let go of you and walked out of the room.

"Wow you are so awesome!" Said BEN almost with stars in his little eyes. "Can you teach me how to make him go away??"

"Be quiet Green Goblin" you said patting his head walking out of your Father's office. "I'm going to bed being in Zalgo's Land made me really tired" You gave your Father a wide smile and a wave as you walked away.

"I think that was worth it." You thought as you made your way to your room and jumped in your bed. "Time to sleep"

You slowly closed your eyes drifting off to sleep still in the bloody school uniform that you woke up in after being dead.

You had a dream that night, it was about what Lyne said before Dyne killed her. "They need them in their story" You dreamed about the life you could have had if you didn't die by that wolf, you where rolling around in your bed the hole night.

~The Next Day~

You woke up by yourself this morning, your eyes flew open and you immediately got to your closet to get a new school uniform sense the one you used before was all bloody now. You put the bloody uniform in a box so you could remember what had happened and put on the new uniform.

You quickly walked downstairs and to the kitchen, you took some yogurt and just walked out of it to go outside. On your way outside other pastas came up to you asking you questions on you coming back to life and who you where. You became very annoyed by this but then your eyes got a glimpse of Jeff standing in the room below holding in laughter, you smirked taking the challenge on and started to answer the questions.

You weren't able to answer all of the questions but you answered all of the main questions, like 'do you like him/her?' 'Would you date this person' 'do you like this or that' and 'what happened while you where gone?' When you where done with the questions you just walked away from the rest of the teenagers and after a while you started to run.

You put on your shoes and walked outside to see Slender and Rainbow talking, you walked up to them and just told your Father you where going to school. He nodded and continued to talk to Rainbow, you started the walk to your school.

"I am glad at least that some things are the same" you thought as you walked through the forest looking around. You had really never appreciated Nature before, but after being in that red hell hole you started to appreciate the greenness that was Nature.

Soon enough you reached the school, you walked through the gates and saw that a fight was going on. You decided to check it out so you pushed your way through the rest of the kids looking at the fight, soon enough you came into the very front of the circle around and saw two boys fight. You sighed in disappointment as two teachers came in and broke up the fight.

You saw that the schools doors where open earlier then usual so you sneaked inside, inside it was dead quite until you heard a crack and a laugh.

"O-OH! M-Milly you aren't a good pet, hmmmm. Maybe I will punish you a bit~" you heard a male voice said.

"Oh babe please do, Milly is such a pain in the ass. She deserves it." You heard one of the bitches say. They started to laugh, you started to run in anger following the laughter. Soon you reached the janitor's closet, inside of it you heard the laughter.

Adopted by Creepypasta/Creepypasta x Reader [Childhood - Teenage]Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang