Chapter Thirteen: Trashley

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Curly burgundy hair appeared from behind the door. When the person stepped into view anthony was pissed.

"Of course it's that annoying ass ex of yours. She probably rushed to get this spot when she saw you pull in."

Pharaoh laughed and said, "Chill bruh. It's probably just a little coincidence. You know these spots be going fast."

"Nigga I know you lying. All these damn spots open. Look around you," said Anthony as he pointed around to all the spots Ashley could've choose.

Pharaoh scrunched up his mouth and made a face before saying, "Yeah I guess you right."

"And now here she go about to tap on the window. I'm not rolling it down."

They watched as she approached the car and tapped on the window. Anthony sat there and looked like the meme of conceited from wild n out. (Also the meme at the top)

"Bruh, just roll down the window," said Pharaoh while trying to roll down Ant's window.

"Nah. I'm not trying to have her hot ass breath all up in my face," he said while rolling it back up.

They went back and forth until Ashley knocked again and Pharaoh was able to get the window down.

"I was starting to think yall didn't want to speak to me," said Ashley with a fake giggle.

"Cause we didn't," Ant said under his breath.

"Um, Hey Ashley. How are you doing this morning?" Pharaoh said trying to make things less awkward.

"Pretty good. I'm just sick of this snow already. Aren't yall?"

"It just started up a couple of days ago, so not really. Winter is my favorite anyway."

"Oh yeah. How could I forget how much you love the snow and winter. We had some fun times last winter ice skating on the pond behind Natalie's house."

"Yeah it was fun until you fell and broke your nail and didn't want to skate the rest of the day. I was there skating with Nat. I can remember it all so clearly," said Ant while trying not to laugh.

Pharaoh rolled his eyes and shook his head. He asked Ashley to back up so he could roll the windows up and get out the car. Once he and Ant were out, Ashley walked over to his side and again congratulated him on the win.

"Thanks Ashley. I appreciate it," he said as they finally made it inside the school.

They unzipped their coats because it was much warmer inside than it was in the snow outside.

"You're welcome. I wish we all could've celebrated together after the game like old times. It was probably weird not going after a win like we used to do."

"We actually did end up going. We didn't see you and Natalie there," said Pharaoh as he scanned the hallways.

"We didn't think you guys were going since we didn't go together or meet up after the game. And I bet it was different going alone to retro's without us huh?" Ashley questioned with a smirk.

As they continued to walk Pharaoh kept searching through the halls for his target.

"We actually didn't go alone," responded Pharaoh.

"Wait, who did you guys go with then? And what are you looking for Pharaoh?" she said with a confused face.

As Ashley rambled on and annoyed him, Pharaoh finally found what he was looking for.

"Aaliyah," he muttered as he saw her and Dom standing by their lockers laughing.

"What did he say?" she asked as Pharaoh sped up past her and Anthony.

"Not what, but who. And he was talking about Aaliyah," Anthony said while laughing.

"Aaliyah? Why would he be looking for her?"

"Don't worry about it. Catch you later Trashly. I mean Ashley." Ant said as he walked away and headed towards Dom

Ashley watched in confusion as Pharaoh went up behind the Aaliyah girl from their class and whispered something in her ear. Aaliyah turned around with a huge smile and Pharaoh pulled her in for a tight hug. The hug wasn't short either. It seemed like Pharaoh was trying to draw it out longer. She couldn't believe Pharaoh was doing all of that in front of her. He must was trying to make her jealous. At least that's what Ashley thought.

"Ashley, what the hell is Pharaoh doing over there with that? And why is Anthony with that other girl?," asked Natalie as she walked up next to her.

"I don't know. But trust and believe I'm going to find out. Come on let's go to my locker, Natalie. 

Hey loves. So sorry for the short chapter. But I wanted to at least give you guys a new chapter since it had been awhile since my last update. Thank you all so much for the positive feedback I am getting. I may have not responded to everyone's comments but just know I see them all and appreciate them all. Some of y'all be having me dying lol. Thank you for reading my story tho and I hope you are all enjoying it so far. Please continue to like, share, and comment. Thanks!!

All Rights Reserved (c) 2015 - by Asja J.

Cover Photograph copyright (c) by Kim Tomacruz Marketplace Designers

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