I still felt perthetic at how good she was at fighting and i was an alpha. My alpha had not fully came through yet or i would be nearly as good as her. I would be stronger than her and wiser but i would not have the combat skills she had. She would always be able to fight better than me and i was going to get her to teach me. I got angry and started tearing the room apart when a familiar voice stopped me ''Jackson please, im okay, stop being so foolish, im fine i promise... i need to be alone and have time to think. i have blocked you out for a reason so calm down and protect the pack! I know you killed the last of the hunters and i know about me being in danger because i am the last blade. You told me yesterday while you were sleeping. All your thoughts were open. Look, im fine so calm down and go back to the life that you had without me, ill be back i promise'' I could feel her pulling away and i shot Paige a glare and replied before she left me, ''How can you say that!? I need you, ive been searching for you forever, your ment to be here with me! Please don't let me be alone again please!! I beg you Alyra .... why?''

I could here her breathe and i couldnt help but think that i had to use please more often. ''I love you Jackson...bye'' With that she left. I managed to catch hold of some of her feelings, she missed me deeply and felt sorry for the pack. She was scared, worried, angry and WHAT!? She was in protective mode. ''Has she gone to fight'' Paige laughed and shook her head at me. I was thankful maybe she was just in protective mode because she was on her own. I went downstairs to eat but nothing was in so i sent Sarah and her mate to go shopping. They always bought the best food for us all.


I had been busy messing with the pack for a while trying to forget about Alyra. I went upstairs to sleep because it was midnight. I thought i could send a message to her but she had blocked me out completly. I could no longer feel, hear or smell her and she couldnt do the same to me. It was like she was doing everything to keep me away. I couldnt help how i felt next, i felt free. I felt like i did before like all i had to do was be alpha and protect this pack. I felt like i had no mate and maybe Lyra had done that on purpose but i would have to thank her for it because i felt like me again. I felt my eyes closing and let sleep take me away.

I woke the next morning to the sound of my pack outside. I looked out the window to see a new member and everybody cheering. I thought i would make an entrance just for the fun of it, and to show him who the boss was. I ran to the window and boy was it high! I jumped out and got alot of looks from my pack. They all looked scared at what mood i was in. I stared at the new comer and he backed up a little. He was such a mummies boy! I burst out laughing and shared my thoughts with my pack. They then did the same and he just stood there. I knew he was now a member because i could here his thoughts, which ment he had a mate here.  I made everyone turn to him and then back at me with worried faces as i glared at him now with a straight face. I had used my alpha voice to tell them to look worried or they would burst out laughing and give away my plan. I had blocked the females out because one of them was his mate.

Most the females looked worried anyway some just stood there watching and waiting to see what happened. ''Name Boy!'' was all i said to him before he replied instantly ''Jason'' Okay i had to admire his courage. He seemed a bit wierd though, so i guessed  his mate was wierd. He had brown eyes which was the normal colour for most wolves and shaggy ginger hair. We had never had a ginger wolr and he would stand out by miles. I laughed in my head and looked to the other wolves. Just as i turned back, i realized my prediction of his mate was correct. ''Leave him be!'' She screamed in my face, she was the loner of this pack and never spoke. When she joined we had saved her life. Nobody had ever heard her voice and i had to admit, it was musical. Her voice was a beauty and i couldnt help but let a smile escape my lips. She had purple eyes and tabby coloured hair. She looked like a giant cat when she changed into her wolf which she had not done for a while because some of the boys were calling her a child saying how cute she looked.

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