Chapter 3 - Natural Enemies

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Shiva, as my sisters called the cat, actually had beautiful bright golden orange fur once it was all dried up. Shiva was a bit skinny but she ate a lot in the first night staying in the home. The first night with the cat was agonizing as my eyes would water up and my nose became a shotgun of germs every minute. I quickly went to my room where I was safe from such torture. "Honey? Can I come in?" My mother asks outside the door of my room. "I suppose" I say in a sneeze.
    "This will only be temporary Isaac. She just needs some warmth and loving and we will find a good home for her" my mother says with a smile.
    "Mom that thing is making my life hell. If anything can it just stay outside?" I reply to my mother "I mean, its a stray not a house cat." My mother nods her head and begins to leave my room. "Dinner in a few minutes" she says before she leaves.
   The next day was a bright and beautiful sunny day and my sinuses cleared up allowing me to take in a big inhale through my nose, exhaling through my mouth. "Awww" I say relaxed. I open the door of my room. There sitting on the floor with big curious green eyes was shiva "meow" Shiva cries.
"Momm?!! Ah.. ah.. ahcoo!"
Turns out that Shiva was going to be an "indoor" cat because my family worried that Lady would do the same thing to Shiva as she did to the hen. "I hate you" i say with a look of displeasure at the cat. The cat just got up and brushed it's body against my leg. I quickly ran down the stairs before letting out another sneeze booming through the halls.
   I was unfortunately given the task to check up on the seven motherless chicks. As much as I would love to give the responsibility to my sisters, their hands were already full enough with both their chores and mine. We decided to move the little chicks back in the coop primarily because their constant chirping filled the empty air of our home, and frankly it annoyed me.
I opened the door to which Shiva comes bursting out the door between my legs! She looked like a maniac and bolted left away from the farm. "What a weirdo" I said as I walked to the chicken coop. Sure enough I heard their tiny shrill chirping. Sometimes I wonder if they were trying to sing or something. "Alright lets see.. one.. two.. three.. four.. five.." I was confused. I coulda sworn there were seven chicks.

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