•2• caring

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"You're sort of an outsider, am I correct?"

His words still echoed in your head on the way home. You honestly didn't give a shit if Mr. Aizawa would be pissed when he finds out you skipped class. Would he even notice you're not there?

You could feel tears forming in your eyes, but you didn't really know why. You sat on the nearest bench you could find, threw your backpack God knows where and hid your face in your hands.

For the first time in so fucking long, someone has finally said how you feel.

Even you didn't know how to put it in words.

Yes, you were an outsider.

You were always the "plan b", the "second option". This tiny piece of someone's life that wasn't actually that important. You hated yourself for being so angry at someone who tried talking to you, because you knew they were making fun of you at some point. But you always acted like it didn't bother you. Until Shouto came, everything was absolutely fine, but when you had that conversation with him, you felt nothing but pure furiousity and annoyance. You felt like you were in a constant battle between what you feel and how you should feel.

You couldn't let your emotions bottle up inside you, so you let out a tiny sob and felt how the palms of your hands get wet from your salty tears. You sat on the bench, cried for so long. Even though so many people passed by, no one even bothered to come and ask if you're okay.


"Was I too harsh with the words?"

You heard the same voice that caused your mental breakdown.

You looked at two-colour-eyed boy, who was currently sat next to you on a bench.

"What are you doing here?" you asked, sniffling and wiping away your tears.

"The class is over, so I'm obviously coming home. But on my way, I saw  familiar, [hair colour] locks and a very specific [favourite colour] backpack." he smiled slightly.

"You really bothered to pay attention to that nasty backpack?" you asked, chuckling, still not completely calmed down from your sobbing.

"Told you I was watching you for a while. Now, answer me the question I asked." you looked at him, confused.

"Was I too harsh with the words?"

Why in the love of Jesus would he sound so upset about saying technically nothing wrong, yet something so touching for one person that was not even that important to anyone? Why is he so bloody caring towards you?

"Well, I shouldn't act that wa-"

"No. Be honest with me, [name]." he cut you off by putting his hand on your shoulder. There was a moment of silence, you didn't know whether to tell him the truth or act like nothing happened.

You decided to do the second, as always.

"I'm fine." you said. Shouto raised his eyebrows.

"Well, you obviously don't look like you're fine, [name]"

"Why do you talk to me like we've known each other for years?" you asked and stood up, trying to look for your backpack.

"I don't know what are you talking about" he said, putting his hands into  pockets of his jeans. When you finally found your backpack, you really wanted to do one of the two things: either scold him or just go away, like you did at school.

"Why did you even decide to talk to me in the first place?" your heart started to beat way faster than it should. Stress was about to defeat your mind, so you had to hurry. This is why you hate talking to people. They usually make you really anxious and nervous.

But after hearing Shouto saying those three words - simple yet so meaningful and important to almost every human being in the world - you couldn't feel a single thing.

"Be my friend"

You stood there, head completely blank.

"What did you just say?" you said under your breath.

"Please, be my friend, [name]" Shouto said, still smiling like he did before. How the hell could he even say things like that?

"Do you hear yourself, Todoroki?"

"Oh, yes I do, thanks for caring." he said sarcastically. You closed your eyes, begging for someone, anyone, anything, to come and save you from here.

"Give me at least two reasons why I should be your friend" you said, crossing your arms.

"Because I think you're interesting and want to get to know you better. enough?"

"Two good reasons"

Another moment of silence has passed by. Shouto looked like he was deciding whether to say something or not. You had absolutely enough and were fed up with this whole situation, so you decided to just go home.
"I knew it. Just another idiot trying to make fun of me" you thought. When you turned around and started walking home, Shouto started speaking.

"I know how you feel."

You slowly turned your head towards him. Shouto's smile suddenly dissapeared and he came back to the same expression you were able to see 5 times a week for the past months. This time it was a little bit different.
You could see hidden emotions in his eyes. You could see pain.

"I understand what it feels like to not be important to anyone." he spoke again. Your eyes widened with every word you heard. "I did know that feeling at one point, but then, something changed it."

"...What changed it?" you asked, biting your lip.

"Other people"

Okay, now he is insane.

"Other people surrounded me with love and care and I finally realized I'm not alone in this cruel, sad, colourless world. And I want to make you feel the same." he looked down to the ground. His voice was filled with motivation. It almost seemed like he planned this conversation ever since he saw you.

"So please, let me make you feel needed, [name]. Let me be your friend"

You sighed quietly. On one hand, you were really annoyed and confused - you guys literally don't know each other at all, and yet here he is, asking you to be his friend. Ridiculous! But, on the other hand, you were interested how things are gonna work out. If you say yes, that would make Shouto your very first friend. If you say no, you were sure Shouto won't leave you alone and eventually you both would end up as friends anyway. You made a quick decision and slowly started walking towards him. He lifted his head up and waited with anticipation for your response.

"You won't leave me alone, right?" you asked, kind of tired. He smiled the sweetest smile you've ever seen. A smile that made your cold, soggy and miserable heart a little bit more warm.

"I guess I have no choice then".

In that moment, you, [last name] [first name] and the bi-haired boy Todoroki Shouto, became friends.

yo wassup
welcome to the 2nd chapter
i didn't think anyone would want another part but here i am, writing authors note yay
tbh i'm not really pleased with this one, but i think i have plans for the next one and ohohohoh honey, you've got a big storm coming.
not gonna say what will happen tho, that counts as a spoiler
also sorry if shoto is out of character, but as i said it's a modern!au and it's my story so i can dO WHATEVER TF I WANT 'KAY?????
soz lol ily
as always, let me know what you think and point out any typos/grammar mistakes etc etc.
'til next time byeeeee x

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