Breaking Point

Depuis le début

"At least I try. They just throw random letters where they don't belong."

"They're still humans."

"I don't believe you."

Lubin and Jared guided the girls around the Palace. Lloyd stayed behind them, watchfully scrutinizing Lubin's behavior.

"You fine young ladies are on a tour of the best house ever." Lubin took a flask from his pocket, imbibed the contents, and threw the flask through the nearest window. "But you know what's really exciting? Paintball!"

"That actually could be fun," said Pwalvaserk. "I doubt I'd be very good at it, though."

"It's not about winning or losing," said Lubin. "It's about having fun. Which reminds me, it's time for my medicine." He then took a small bag from his pocket containing a white powder. He poured it onto the adjacent table, lined it up, and snorted it. "Now I'm ready."

Jared, the voice of reason and restraint, interjected, "I really don't think Mother would want us playing paintball in the house. Do you remember what happened last time?"

Unperturbed, Lubin retorted, "Don't be such a pussy."

Jared, recognizing the futility of arguing further, conceded, "Fine. I won't get involved. But you'll be the one who has to explain yourself to Mother."

"You may have a point," Lubin relented.

"We could watch my model trains," Jared suggested. "One should be coming by any moment." True to his word, within moments, a model train made its appearance along a track running by the wall. Jared's eyes lit up with enthusiasm. "And there it is," he said with pride. "Right on schedule."

Lubin, however, couldn't hide his disdain. "Nobody cares about model trains," he remarked dismissively.

Jared simply responded, "I do," with a sense of quiet determination.

"Why don't we try something that we can all enjoy?" asked Nanette.

"How about a tickle fight?" Lubin asked, picking up Nanette and tickling her. She laughed out loud, and while she seemed fine, Lloyd was very uneasy about the frequency with which Lubin reached under her dress. Mia also found it suspicious, and she prepared to draw her gun. Lloyd gently grabbed her arm and shook his head.

"Lubin, could I have a word with you?" asked Lloyd.

"How many words?"

"Please put my little sister down. I need to speak with you. Alone."

Lubin complied and walked away with Lloyd. They returned soon after.

"All right then," Lubin said somewhat nervously. "No tickle fights."

Nanette, oblivious to the underlying tension, inquired innocently, "Why not?"

Lubin hesitated before responding, "Because your brother feels we should try something else."

Throughout the tour and various activities, Mia wanted to study the layout of the building, but often instead found herself studying Lubin's behavior. He seemed to delight in finding opportunities to look up Nanette's dress or smell her body, and appeared to seek any excuse for physical contact with her. Mia was disturbed by this, uncomfortably reminding her of her father. Again, momentarily considering the idea of drawing her gun and killing him, she resisted the urge. It would only cause more problems than it would solve. Lloyd glanced over to her, and then to Nanette, and finally to Lubin.

"Lubin, I need to discuss something with you," Lloyd announced with a tone of authority. "Alone. Now."

Lubin's response was a groan of reluctance, but he followed Lloyd for a private conversation. After a brief exchange, Lubin and Lloyd rejoined the group, and Lubin made an announcement. "We'll have to end the tour here."

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