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I started worring a little, I hadn't seen my mother in over two years. She was incrediably deaf so it wasn't like we could call her really quickly. They only way we could ever talk was through text message which really wasn't the same, and skype. But as of most people who were born in the 50s , she was hopeless when it came to technology. He wasnt even sure what he was going to say to her when they arrived. He sighed deeply and concentrated on his driving. Sara glanced over at him, he didnt look at her, he didnt want her to know how nervous he was. But off course she knew without having to look him in eye. She placed a hand on his knee and squeezed it reasuringly. It immediatly had an effect and he began to relax a little. "It will be fne Gill, she's your mother and your her son, she loves you and you know that" she said softly, trying to catch my eye. We came to a red light. I stopped and looked over at her. She was so perfect. I smiled and kissed her softly "Thank you my love," I wispered before facing forward again and driving on. Las Vegas of course hadnt changed at all, It barley ever did. It was the same dusty city in the middle of a desert during the day, and at night it would come a live and become a city of the underworld, with Casios and strip clubs taking advantage of anyone who might have money. The streets would be filled with crazy things. It could nearly be like a circus at times.

I was just about to turn in to the coffee place, Sarah always gets her coffee in. When Sara tensed suddenly, She stared out the window. I followed her gaze to a man standing against a street light. I looked at him, I didnt really reconise him. I looked at Sara, She was staring at the man hard, He  glanced in our direction and smiled at a woman walking towards him. Sara relaxed. I frowned, "Do you know him? She looked at me and the looked at her hands as if in shame. I frowned even deeper. Something was deeply bothering her. "Sara, Tell me." I said taking her hand. She looked at me, "I keep seeing him everywhere Grissom, He's always in the back of my mind." I frowned thinking about who she was talking about, and then I realised who she was talking about.  Ronald Basderic. She was still struggling with what happened. I looked at her. She was staring at her hands. "Your still afraid and you still feel guilt don't you? Haven't you talked to anyone Sara? what happened is very tramatising." She looked up at me and said in a shakey voice, "I haven't talked to anyone about it, I don't want to talk about it with people, they'll only be sympatheic and I dont want sympathy. Taylor died beacause of me.... I don't know how to fix that." I frowned, "Sara, Taylor died beause Ronald killed him. Yes he killed him top get to you, but that was not your fault, you can't live with the dead, you can only live with the living." I squeezed her hand to make her look at me, "Ronald killed Taylor to get to you, to confuse you becasuse of what happened with your father, He used Taylor to make you feel weak. But Sara honey don't you see, He failed, he failed because your not weak. You put that man in jail. You brought justice for Taylor Wynard, for Edie and For yourself, You cannot live your life with this man in your head thinking about what he's done to make you feel weak, because you defeated him." Her brown eyes looked at me, a tear slid down her cheek. I wiped it off with the tip off my finger. She collapsed against me. "Your right, Gil, your so right, its just so hard. Taylor didnt deserve to die, he didn't deserve to have his life riped away by a Physocopath. Its just not fair. Im so glad your home though...." She looked up at me and placed her hand on my cheek, I leaned into and kissed her finger gently. I smiled at her and she smiled back. "Let's go in and get some coffee and a cherry waffle," She said.

The coffee shop was jam packed, with lunch time workers getting there coffee, and CSI's getting there late breakfast, I smiled to myself. Thoses were the days, but I didn't really miss them. I was waiting behind the line with Sara. The smell of coffee was very tempting. Someone tipped my shoulder. I turned around. Standing behind me was the one and only Jim Brass. I laughed and threw my arms around him. He laughed. "Gill, your back in town! I'd heard rumours but I wasn't sure." We drew back. He hadnt changed much the two years I had been gone. He still had the nearly shaved head and laughing eyes. He had a good few more wrinkles, but sure didnt we all. Sara turned around, "Brass, its so good to see you" She smiled and touched his arm. Jim had done what I'd asked him too when she had come back. He'd looked after her for me. "I'd heard you were promoted to Captain, Brass" I laughed. Jim smiled "Ah ye know,same job except you gotta look out for a bunch of iditots." We laughed. "Did you hear ecklie is getting promoted to sheriff." I groaned inwardly at the sound of his name, ecklie got on my nerves. "Seriously? " Sara said. "Wow its a great honour wonder will he be anymore of an ass." Jim laughed. "Anyway i'd better be off, DB down on the strip. Mega commotion." "We'll catch up Brass over a drink" I said to him as he started walking towards the door with his coffee. He turned around "Sure thing!" and kept walking. I looked at Sara, She was walking up to the counter to collect her coffee. How could I have ever let her go. I thought to myself as we walked out to the car.


Hey I know its been awile, but hope you guys enjoy this chapter. Hope spelling is ok and everything. I wrote this at midnight in the dark. Enjoy :)

Sara Sidle and Gill Grissom Romance (Fan Fiction)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora