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 "So it was an axe?" I said, surprized to Greg. "Yup, in fact in was an 18th Century, very rare axe" Greg said with a smug smile. I smiled "Any in Vegas?"  Greg handed me a flyer. I looked down it was the Dr. Jimmy Magician Show, and there in the backround was a really old looking axe. "Well done Greg" I smiled at him, "I'll call Brass-" I began to say, "Beat you to it, were leaving in 5 minuites." We both laughed. "Were gonna nail this guy greg, No way is he getting anyone else" I said seriously now. "Yes" Greg replied. "Hey Greg, you riding with me?" We both turnered around and Morgan was standing there with her keys in her hand and her vest on. "Hey Morgan" I said, "Sara" Morgan smiled, "He told you?" I laughed "yep, lets go get this guy!" "I was gonna ride with Morgan, That ok?" Greg said, looking up at me. I smiled "Of course Greg, I won't be leaving for a little longer anyway, I have to get all my stuff and file this before I leave." "Oh ok, thanks Sara" He said as he walked out with Morgan, "Cya down there guys." I said. "Cya" They replied.  Those's two love-birds were so cute together, Greg had been crazy about her from Day one.

I turned off the light in the lab and walked out, down the hall studing the case files. I walked straight into DB. "Oh sorry, Russel." "Oh Sara, I was just heading down to Dr. Jimmy's place, You heard?" He said. "Oh ye, I just wanted to grab my vest and lunch from my office and file this case" I said. "Oh sure, I'll see you down there, take your time Sara, you deserve it" He said seriously. I laughed "Thanks Russel," He was always making sure I was ok. "I'll be down soon" I said. "Sure," and he walked off down the hall.

I smiled as I walked into my office, My team was great. It was better with Grissom. Damn! I had to stop thinking about him. I sat down at my desk and started eating my deli sandwitch while reading the case file again, 4 murders, 1 serial killer, all for a game of poker. That was vegas for you. Suddenly there was a dark shape standing in the door way, I looked up. GRISSOM! My heart dropped right into my stomach. We just looked at each other, "Sara" He murmered. My arms tingled, longing to put my arms around him and stare into his gorgeaus stormy eyes. I blinked. Play It cool Sara Sidle! I mentally slapped myself. "Gil, Hi" I said lost for words. "May I come in?" He said quietly "I wanted to see you first, before I saw any of the others." He smiled. All I could do was look at him, it took all my strenght to not jump up and kiss him. "Sure." I said, I smiled a little, He was always so polite. He came in and sat down in the chair infront of my desk. "You kept my books" He said with a small smile, indicating to the shelf with all the books on insects and fetal pigs. "hm, ye I did, they were very useful" I said. He looked at me and smiled. Just go for it. "Grissom, why are you here?" I said. He looked up at me. "Sara, I'm sorry, I really am." He looked down looking truly sorry, It was all i could do to stop myself getting up and comforting him. Instead I got up and walked over to the door and closed it over. He looked up in surprise, as I sat on the desk infront of him. "Why?"I said buntly. "Because I stayed over In Peru, even when I knew you didn't like it and missed everyone in Vegas, Because I am a crap husband and all I ever did was hurt you." He said in a desperate voice. "Grissom...-" I said, moved at what he said and that he was here for me. "No. Don't. Don't make excuses for my behaviour Sara. Truth is I made a huge mistake, by just staying in Peru. I dont expect you to take me back beacuse you deserve better, but i just wanted to let you know Sara how sorry I am for everything, for not being the husband and friend you deserve." He looked down into his hands. He looked so feeble. All I wanted to do was hug him and stroke his grey hair. "Grissom..... I still love you, I have never stopped loving you" I said quietly. He looked up his face full of sureprise. I looked into his gorgeaus eyes. "Sara" He murmered and stood up. "I have always loved you." He stood up then so that he was the same height as me, I looked into his eyes. "Grissom" I murmered. He took my face in his hands looking deep into my eyes. I looked up at his and kissed him full on the lips. Wow it felt good, I did't realise how much I had longed for his soft lips on mine. The kiss became more passionate. Finally we drew apart, "Never leave me," He said. "Of course" I wispeared holding him close.


Hope you guys enjoyed that, theres more to come. Sorry this took so long. My laptop is broken so its very hard to write. 


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