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The sunlight streamed through the curtains onto my face, making me blink. I opened my eyes slowly and looked around. I was facing the window. I became aware of an umistakable weight hanging over my waist. It all came flooding back to me then. Grissom coming home to me! I felt a bubble of excitment rush through me. I had to turn around and check it was real though before I could give into my excitement. I slowly edged my body and turnered it around to face Gissom. His hand slipped off my waist and rested on my stomach. He mumbled something in his sleep. I stared at his beautiful face that I hadnt seen in so long. His short greying hair that rested on his forehead. It was a little curly and messed after last night. I smiled at the thought. His delicate long eyelashes framed his eyes and I knew if he opened them, they would be a dark, stormy blue that could hold me captive in an instant. His long and cuving shaphed mouth, that could kiss me so gently and still send shivers through me. I gently took my finger and traced his lips. He mumbled again and his eyes fluttered open. The deep blue picercing right through me. I smiled,  my hand still placed on his lips. He smiled gently and moved closer to me, placing a kiss on my forehead and then on my nose and then my lips. I sighed, it was just like old times, when we had nothing to worry about and no work nagging us. I opened my eyes again and looked up at my beautiful husband. He smiled, "Good morning my Sara." I smiled, wishing so much I could frezze this moment and stay in it forever. "Good morning honey, did you sleep well?" I relpyed.  He chuckeled, "I slept better than I have for a long long while." "Good." I said and I nuzzeled into his neck.  " So what do you want to do today Gil?" I said, " I'm not sure really, I do want to go see my mother though, do you have to work?" He relpyed glancing down at me. Bleh work! "No, I'm not going into work today, Russel is forever telling me to take days off so i think I will." I smiled at the thought of having a whole day with just Grissom. He glanced down at me, "Are you sure?" "Yep, now I definitly have an excuse to stay home." I said smiling. "Great, hmmm... I would never just give you days of when I was boss man!" Grissom said, with a sly smile "I think this Russel is too easy with you." I laughed pulling myself up on my arm so I was looking over him, "Oh really now, Dr. Grissom! I think you were even more naughty." I said poking his ches, laughing. He looked at me eyebrows raised, "Hmmmmmm.... what could I have done, that was so 'naughty', as you put it." "Oh so having secret kisses with your  employee, isnt naughty," I said rasing my eyebrows, He laughed, "Hmmm.... you mean like this?" He said, pulling me down on top of him and kissing me passionailtly on the lips. I meoaned with pleasure, as his tongue traced the rim on my lips. We pulled apart after we needed to breathe. "Cmon," I said, "Lets get up." I sat up and glanced at my alarm clock, It was 10am. I pulled my dressing gown on and put my slippers back on. Turning around and looking at Gil, who was on the other side, pulling on sweat pants. I walked over to him and placed my arms around his neck, kissing his mouth gently. "Waffles?" I said with a smile, knoing it was his favourite. He licked his lips, smiling down at me, "Hm delicious." I let go of him and walked into the kitchen and started making breakfast. Gil came over and placed his hands around my waist, taking the bowl off me he wispeared "I'll make breakfast honey." I smiled to myself and tilted my head back to look at him and kiss his lips. "Okay," i said, "I look forward to it." He had an amused expression on his face as i skipped over to the breakfast bar and sat down.

"Thanks Russel," I said, as I hung up the phone. Russel had given me the day off. I could hear Gil whislting in the shower as I laced up my converse. I smiled to myself, he only whistled when he was truely happy. We were going to see his mother today. I was kind of nervous. I hadn't seen her in a long time. She was really nice, her disaproval of me and Gils marraige arrangments was what caused the problem. I hoped we could get along today. She didn't know me and Gil had broken up for 2 weeks and she didn't know Gil was back in town. I was hoping she wouls soften up because her only son was home. Gil came out of the shower than, in a white towel. I stood up and hugged him, even though he was soaking wet. "Sara," Gil wispeared into my ear. I laughed and let go of him. "Go get dressed, bug man." He laughed and kissed me on the forehead. I went into the living room and turned on the T.V, while I was waiting for Gil.

He came out soon enough. He walked over to me and I turned the T.V off. He grabbed my hands and pulled me up off the sofa. I jumped up and smiled. We nuzzled nose's. "Let's go see you mommy." i said kissing him softly on the lips. "Ok," he said with a smile, "Im driving though." I groaned and he smiled, "Fine," I said, "but were getting coffee on the way there." He laughed and dragged me out the door.

Ye guys Im not ending this yet. Ill see how many more chapters I can do. But I hope you liked this one, so please dont be afraid to tell me what you think. thanks so much. GSR 4eva <3

Alana :)

Sara Sidle and Gill Grissom Romance (Fan Fiction)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz