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I looked at her, wow she was so beautiful. I loved her with all my heart. My Sara. Finally after everything we'd been through we were back together, hopefully for a long time more. I was sitting in her office, watching her moveing around, filing her new case. Her hair bounced on her shoulders, Her fragrance was everywhere. How I misssed it. I really really had missed her. She looked at me and smiled. "What?" "Nothing, I am just remebering how good you make me feel" I said. "Gil" She laughed "I'm so Glad your here, I have to keep pinching myself that your in my office." I laughed. "Sara. I love you so much" I said. She smiled "and I love you."

There was a knock on the door, Sara looked at me and then looked up at the door. "Come In." She said. The door opened and in walked Greg Sanders. Wow, had he grown up! Behind him was a young woman with blonde hair. I think her name was Morgan. I remeber Sara talking about her. "Sara, Dr. Jimmy wasn't there, Brass is gone looking for h- " He said hurriedly before stopping when his eyes rested on me. "Greg" I said. "G-G-Grissom?" He said. I smiled "Yup." "Gil's, back from Peru, to stay now." Sara said and she smiled at me. "Wow, your back!" Greg said excitedly, I stood up and hugged him, "Its good to be back" I said with a glance at Sara, She smiled at me. "and you must be... Morgan?" I sais to Morgan, holding out my hand. "Yes" She said shaking my hand "How did you know?" Sara has told me alot about you. Morgan laughed, "Thanks Sara." I smiled. "Your ecklie's daughter?" I said to her, she looked very like him. "Ye." She said, with a glance a Greg. He looked back at her, and worry passed over his eyes. Weird. "Are you gonna come meet the rest of the gang?" Greg said. "I'm sure Hodges, well collapse over with the excitement of seeing you." Morgan said with a laugh. "Ye sure, just waiting for Sara." I replied. 

They decided to bring me around on a tour to see everyone. "First stop, I thinK Hodges lab." Morgan said with a smile, She obviously got along well with Hodges, who could be a right pain at times. "Okay sure" I said with a smile. Sara and Greg were behind us, I could hear Greg wispear to Sara. "I was wondering why you didn't come down, I can see why now." I heard Sara laugh and say "Ye, we had some catching up to do."  I smiled, and thought of the way her lips felt against mine. "Here we are." I heard Morgan say as I shook myself out of my daydream. "Ah Hodges fort" I said and they all laughed. Morgan knocked on tyhe glass and walked into the lab, we all followed her in. Hodges was looking deep into a microscopt and was muttering to himself. Beside him was a jelly dummy. "Hey Morgan, just gimme a sec." He said, holding up a finger. "Hogdes, look who's here." Morgan said laughing. Hogdes looked up. He stared at me for a second. I laughed at his face. "Hodges, How have you been?" "Grissom? Hi." He said laughing. He walked over to me and gave me a big hug. I laughed. "Hows your case going?" I said not knowing what else to ask him, I heard about the whole case of Sara. "Would you belive our murder weapon was a playing card?" He said to me. "I didn't" I said "Sounds prettey intense." Hodges smiled, "Just like old times, right?" We all laughed. " Just like old times." We started to leave before I remebered "Hey Hodges, congradulations on your engagement." He looked sureprised for a moment and then said "Thanks Grissom." 

We walked out of his lab and down the hall. "You wanna meet our new boss?" Sara asked. "Sure." I said. "He took over your old office, but kept your mushrooms." Greg said. "Really?" I said. "Hes taking good care of them honey, don't worry" Sara said with a smile. "Good" I said and smiled. We walked down the hall. Morgans cell rang, she anwsered it "Morgan, yes, jim, im on my way." We looked back at her "Brass has found a something in Dr. jimmeys place, I've got to go." I smiled. "It was nice meeting you Morgan" and I shook her hand. "You too Grissom," She said with a smile, "Cya Sara, Greg you gonna stay here?" "Emm, No, Thanks Morgan I'm gonna stay here a little longer and i'll text you later." Gred replied to her. Morgan smiled, "I look forward to it." She said with a flirty smile. Greg grinned at her. There was definitly something going on between them. Sara cleared her troath. Greg jumped. "Cya guys," Morgan said as she left. 

Sara knocked on the door. "Come in" said a deep voice on the other side. Sara walked in, before dragging me with her. "Russel, I'd like you to meet my husband" Sara said with a smile. "Grissom's in Vegas? I heared a shocked voice say. Nick Stokes, I thought with a smile. Sara laughed. "Ye I known Nick!" "Bring him in" I heared Russel say. Sara walked out of the door and inticated me to follow her in. I walked in and saw a man with white hair and large glasses. He was sitting behind my old desk. That was pretty much the only thing left from my office beside's my mushrooms that were behind him. The rest of the office was covered in basketball's and tropheys and Framed pictures of a boy and a woman. I walked in a shook Russels hand. "Nice to finally meet you Dr. Grissom, I've heared so much about you." I smiled, "You too Russel." "Grissom, Man is it good to see you," I heared Nick say in his Southern accent. I turned around and Nick stood up. I came over and hugged him. "Its great to see you too Nick, Its been way to long." "Yes, yes it has" Sara said with a smile. "We all have to catch up after work," Greg said. "Yes, everyone's really going to want to see you Gil." Sara said. "Sure" I said looking down at Sara. "Why don't we go to the usual place on the strip?" Nick said. "Ye sure." Everyone said. "Okay guys, Donny's cafe after work" Sara said. We all walked out of russels office and split up down the hall. "What do you want to do while I work Gil?" Sara said as we walked back to her office. "Hmmm... I'm not sure?" I said. "I could do with some help on this case." Sara said with a flirty smile, "Hmm?" I said as I pulled her into her office and closed the door. She was backed up against the door. Man she was so gorgeaus! She pulled me on top of her and we kissed pasionaitly. "Hmm..." I said between kisses "Not sure were going to get much done." Sara laughed "Ah well."


Hey guys hope, you liked this. Its a long chapter!! Sorry it toke so long though. It was very hard to write it without my laptop!!!!                                                                                                                                  AlanaBanana470


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