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I sat on his lap on the couch in my office. Stroking his grey hair I said "Grissom I really missed you." "I' don't think im going to ever be able to leave again" He said, closing his eyes. "Good" I said with a smile kissing his forehead. I started climbing off his lap "We'd better get going onto Donny's Cafe, everyone will be waiting." "Well, they can wait a little longer" Gil said, pulling me back on his lap and kissing the nape of my neck. I laughed " No,no no, Were going." I broke free and pulled Gil up with me. We laughed. "Cmon let's go baby" I said giving him a kiss on the nose. It was so good to have him back.  We walked out the door, and passed Julie Finly's door. "Hold on a sec Gil, Let me just let Julie know." "Sure" He said letting go of my hand. I knocked on her door and walked in. "Sorry Julie-" I stopped, Julie's ex-husband from seattle was holding her in tight embrace. They broke apart when i walked in. "Oh Sara, sorry - whos this?" Julie said breaking apart and looking at Grissom. "Hello Julie I'm Gil Grissom, Sara's husband" He said walking over to Julie and shaking her hand. I smiled when he said husband. "Oh!" Julie said with sureprise looking at me, "Really nice to meet you Grissom." Grissom shook Rick's hand aswell. "Julie I  was wondering do you want to come to Donny's with us, were all meeting up to celebrate Gil being back in Vegas?" I said to her. She glanced at Rick for a moment before anwsering me. "Im sorry Sara, I can't Rick's mother is in a coma right now, They transported her to Intensive care in Desert hall. I'm going to go with Rick now to see her."    "Oh my god, Rick I hope she's ok" I said shocked. "Ye it was a huge blow for my family none of us expected it." Rick said tears in his eyes. "She will get through this Ricky, She's a fighter" Julie said grabbing Ricks hand and making him look into her eyes. Rick sniffed "I Know, thanks."  "Julie you do what you got to do, we can meet up another time," Grissom said from behind me, sympathy etched in his voice. "Ye, Rick I hope your mother gets well soon." I said looking at Rick. hugged Julie and shook Ricks hand. Grissom shook both their hands as we murmered our goodbyes. We walked out of Julie's office and started walking down the hall. Grissom was silent for a moment, I could tell he was thinking deeply about something, but I knew him well enough to know that he would tell me in his own time, when he'd worked the whole thing out. I smiled secretly to myself, thats what made me love him so much. "Sara," He paused, "Will you come with me to see my mother tomorrow?" I looked at him, last time i'd saw his mother we had made up on a huge fight we'd had. I looked into Gil's eyes, he looked really worried his mother meant alot to him. I smiled "Of course I will." His face flooded with relief "Thank you Honey." We walked out the door hand in hand.

Sitting in the car, outside Donny's Cafe. Gregs car was her and so was Nicks, But neither of us wanted to go in yet. I looked over at him "Thanks for coming home to me." He smiled sadly, "I should of come back sooner Sara, Im really sorry, Rea-" I interputed him kissing him full on the lips. His lips softened and he kissed me back. I pulled away "we're together now, thats all that matters" I said. He smiled and kissed my forehead. I sighed "Lets go in now."     

We walked into Donny's Cafe ad walked down to our usual table down the back. Greg, Nick, Morgan and Hodges was there. "DB can't come, His wife wanted him to come home and his granddaughter is coming over." Nick said as we walked in. I smiled "Ye, julie couldn't come either, Rick's mother is in a coma in Desert Hall Hospital, she wanted to stay with Rick." Me and Gil shuffled into the boot at the egde. Donny's cafe was a typical diner with red leather booths and plastic tables. I was extremly cosy though and made the best coffee, which most CSI's lived off. Rose the waitress came over to our table. She was short and small, and her face was lined with old age. She was one of the nicest people i'd ever met. "What can I get you guys?" She said taking out her notepad andd putting it on the table. "Well would you look at that. Dr. Grissom nice to see you back" She said laughing "Hiya Rose." Grissom said back to her, "I'll have the usual black coffee and cherry waffle's." Everyone laughed and said their orders. "Well Grissom, How's life going for you?" Nick said. "Its been tough," I said, "We had many ups and downs in Peru, There was a moment when our back facillite got blown up by terrorists." I breathed in deeply and frowned at Gil "You never told me that," I said. My husband could have been blown up and he never told me, a shot of anxiety ran through me at the thought of losing Gil. “No sweetie, I didn’t want you to worry,” Gil said. I smiled when he turned around and looked at me. “Wow man! Did you get hurt?” Nick said slightly shocked, “No,” I said as I laughed at his tone “Only a few scratches’.” Everyone laughed a little. I grabbed Gil’s hand under the table, just because I wanted his touch his response was immediate as he turned around and kissed me gently on the lips. I looked up at Hodges who was staring at us with a knowing smile. "What?" I said. "Oh nothing, Its just good to see you two together again, makes me long for my fiancee" He said smiling sadly. Just then our food came so there was no futher comments. That was how the rest of the morning carried out. We talked avbout recent case's and even about Ronald framing me for murder. Grissom went crazy when that came out. "Ah man, that was some night" Nick said with a yawn when we were talking about the office night out last year. "Oh god, ye," Greg said and yawned too, we laughed. "I'd better go guys, I wanna get some sleep before I called in again," Nick said as he started to gather his keys and take out money to Rose. "Ye me too," Morgan said, "'I'll drop you home" Greg said to Morgan. We all started to get up and I grabbed Grissoms hand and we walked out the door.  Everyone said goodbye in the car park and went their seperate ways. 

"You gonna come home and and stay with me?" I said, feeling awkward because I wasn't sure how back to normal we were. "I'm not sure, its that or a hotel I guess" Gil said in a quite voice. I smilied. "Grissom, no husband of mine is going to sleep in a diffrent room, never mind in a diffrent building" I said, makinh him look at me. He sighed and placed his forehead against mine. "I love you Sara." I reached up and kissed him gently on the lips. "Cmon lets go home" I said. 

Sara Sidle and Gill Grissom Romance (Fan Fiction)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora