Humming to myself, I stumbled over to his desk. "Not cleaning, that's for sure. Look at this mess." There was piles of junk everywhere. Magazines, comic books, keys, pens, and wires. With one hand, I shoved the boring stuff onto the floor.

"Gee, that's not helping. And watch out for that Marvels comic!" he complained with a yelp as he unsteadily got up. "That's the one with when Superman and Batman had a battle. It's probably worth thousands in mint condition."

I eyed the copy in my hands. "This isn't mint condition."

"Well, no, that's a pretty bad one, but it's still worth at least 60,000 won."

Boys. I'll never understand them. Still, I set the comic book back on the desk. Ahh, this look interesting. I picked up a stack of pictures and looked through them. "Oh, she's pretty. I like her hair. It's really shiny and curly. Do you know what conditioner she uses?"

"Soory, we didn't do much talking that day," he said with a devilish smile as he crossed his arms. "But I'll ask her the next time I see her."

I laughed. "I doubt you even remember who she is." Before he could answer, I got distracted by the slightly dull blue surfboard propped against the side of the desk.

Dropping the pictures on the floor, I slid my fingers over the edge of the board, curving around the tip. Pretty. Was this the legendary board? So many dents and scratches on the surface. There was no way he'd hooked up this many girls. I didn't even know if there were this many girls in Busan.

I'd always wanted to try surfing. Well, there's no time in the present! I propped the surfboard on the floor and hopped on.

Well, tried to. The board was slippery or something. I couldn't stand straight.

Sehun chuckled and reached out to steady me. His left hand curved around my waist until I wasn't going to fall over anymore. My arms flung out on either side of me like I was walking on a tight rope.

He smiled. "Remind me to take you to the beach someday."

"Because I look like I'm a natural surfer?"

"No, because I want to see the look on your face when you wipe out and get dumped into the ocean by the first wave you catch."

I frowned at him, but his smile only grew wider. What did he know? I never fail at anything. Never, never, never.

Man, my feet hurt. Stupid fancy shoes. I hopped off the board, taking them off, and threw them into the small space under his desk. They smacked against the wall with a satisfying sound. "Two points!"

He took off his shirt and tossed it at me. "Aish, not only are you really talkative, you're a loud drunk, too."

"I told you, I'm not drunk. I'm just happy." My eyes squinted, and I tried to focus on the half-naked guy in front of me. But he kept fading in and out of focus, like he was a mirage. Was any of this real? Maybe this whole night wasn't real. I reached out and poked his chest. Hmm, nice and firm.

He looked down at my hands still on his bare chest. "If you wanted to feel me up, you should have asked."

"Don't be cocky. No one wants to feel you up. I'm just making sure this isn't a dream." Backing up, I stumbled on some clothes on the floor. My legs wobbled, and I couldn't move. My feet were stuck! What kind of magic is this? I lunged forward and would have hit the floor if Sehun hadn't grabbed me.

To my surprise, he  didn't let go. His hands drifted down from my shoulders to pull my hands. "Sit down before you hurt yourself."

I giggled and flopped onto his bed. "Yes, daddy."

He laughed. "You don't know how dirty that sounds."

"I do. Why do you think I said it?" I kicked my feet out and wiggled my toes. "I usually never get to say what I'm really thinking, though. It'll ruined my reputation."

"What will?"

"When people find out that I'm no perfect and proper. I'm snarky and sarcastic and rude. I'm a horrible person. A real witch." I waved my hands like I was confessing all my secrets to the world, and I accidentally slapped his cheek. It just felt so free to finally say what I wanted. Even if it was just to Sehun. I tapped the side of my head with my finger and gave him a cheeky smile. "And inappropriate dirty thoughts pop in and out of here. But I can't admit to any of it. No. I can't."

"Uh." He gave me an intimate look and leaned in closer to me. "So, your inappropriate dirty thoughts. Are they about me?"

"Don't you want to know?"

Sehun laughed. "You're right. I do. Way too much." He wrapped an arm around my shoulders. "Why don't you just rest a bit?"

I wanted to argue, but my head suddenly felt heavy. Very, very heavy. I did need rest. So tried. I climbed onto the bed and snuggle against the cool, fresh pillow. My hand patted the pillow beside me. "Come. Lie down."

When he finally did, I scooted closer and lay against his shoulder. Hmm. Despite all his muscles, it was soft and squishy like cotton candy. Omo, I could kill to have some cotton candy right now. Sweet and fluffy and melts in your mouth. I only eat the pink cotton candy. They blue would dye my lips.

That's stupid, though. Why? WHY? Nobody's going to judge me if my mouth is a little blue. Nobody would care. Except me. But I couldn't force myself to change. I can't.

"Why can't I?" I raised my head and looked up at Sehun, our faces only inches away from each other. I never noticed he had a faint smear of freckles on his nose. They practically blended in with his fair skin. I didn't know if they were natural or from the hours he spent in the sun.

Sehun swallowed and pulled back a little. "Now what are you talking about?"

"What I want to do right now."

His voice got husky, and his eyes flickered down to my lips. "Well, what do you want to do?"

"Eat cotton candy. Blue cotton candy."

He blinked at me in surprise. That was definitely not the answer he was expecting. Sehun bit his lips and turned away. But by the way his shoulders were shaking, I knew he was laughing at me.

I didn't care. Well, I did a little, but not that much.

Sehun wrapped an arm around my shoulders, pushed my head down, and rested his chin against the top of my head. "I'll get you some cotton candy tomorrow. Let's just sleep for now."

Something was weird and wrong about this. But it took too much energy to focus on anything, so I gave up. Hopefully it wasn't anything important. Nothing was important now.

I closed my eyes and leaned against his chest, cushioning my head in the nook under his chin. I was safe and warm. And this felt perfect. Nothing else mattered.

__Toward the Walk of Shame__

This is the last chapter of Toward the Walk of Shame!I hope you guys enjoyed this story as I did.

I just started school today and won't be having time to update another story. But I will think of another storyline for you all. Another Hunzy, of course!

Thank you all for reading! I love y'all!

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