30 {Sehun}

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I shoved the heart-shaped balloons down in Squirtle's backseat just as Suzy showed up. Even if I hadn't heard her heavy breathing and panting down the stairs, I felt her presence. Like the Force. 

She slowed down a few feet away, bent over at the waist. Her face was red.

"What are you doing?"

Suzy waved her hand in the air while the other rested on her stomach. Her blue blouse scrunched together beneath her fingers. I'd never seen her look so disheveled. Suzy let out a loud breath of air and straightened. "I was in the cafeteria, and I saw you." Pant. Pant. "I had to jump over a lot of people to get out here. I might have accidentally kicked a couple of students, too, but I had to see you." Large inhalation of breath. "So you're leaving?"

"Yeah, I am . . ." The sight of her distracted me from what I was going to say. She was in front of me. Here. Now. I mean, I was thrilled to see her, but this wasn't part of the plan. "Aren't you supposed to be giving a speech right now?"

"Oh." She looked a little flustered. "I decided to skip it."

My brows shot up. She had been preparing for this thing for as long as we'd been "dating." Heck, she even made me help her with it. And now she was skipping it? Just like that? "Why?"

Her eyes twinkled at me. "I told you. I had to see you."

Damn, not to sound cheesy or anything, but I swear my heart melted at her words. I had this whole elaborate setup planned to win her over, and she ruined everything with five simple words. And I didn't care.

She was good. She was really good.

I moved toward her in one fluid movement and swept her into my arms. It felt so good to hold her. Like everything was suddenly right again. "Man, I've been wanting to do that all weekend."

Suzy leaned into my hug. "Why didn't you? Why'd you have to wait this long?"

"Because I'm a stupid moron."

Her lips curved into a smile against my chest. "That can't be your excuse all the time, though."

I kissed her cheek. "I know." Kissed the other one. "But I'm also an ass." Kissed her forehead. "And annoying wrong and confused." Kiss the tip of her nose. "And naive, while you're so understanding."

She clamped her hand over her mouth before I could kiss there and looked down at our feet. "Flattery and kisses aren't going to work on me."

I laughed. "I forgot how stubborn you are. One of the many reasons I love you."

Her head snapped up so quickly that she almost hit my jaw, like she had that morning in my room. Luckily, I dodged her in time by moving out of the way. My reflexes were sharpened from all the injuries she'd caused. Her eyes brightened, and she beamed up at me. "You love me?"

My hand brushed against her cheek, and I lightly pinched it. "I thought it was obvious."

Her brown eyes grew big and watery like she was about to cry. Instead, she took my by surprise and jumped on me. Literally jumped on me. Her feet left the ground. Her arms wrapped around my neck and my hands automatically wrapped around her waist as she kissed me. Her soft, sweet lips smooched against mine.

And it was the hottest thing I'd ever experienced.

I couldn't keep myself from kissing her back with everything I felt.

"That's one hell of a kiss," I managed to say when I was able to catch my breath again. My heart thundered in my ears.

"Well, I do aim to please," she smiled. "By the way, why are you wearing a suit?"

Toward the Walk of ShameDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora