18 {Sehun}

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I should have been asleep. Heck, I should have been at home instead of lurking in front of Suzy's house. And throwing sticks at her window like a creepy person.

I dropped Suzy off and went home for a while. But as I was lying in bed, I realized I didn't want to be there. I wanted to see Suzy. I wanted to talk to her. Be with her.

Luckily, her head popped out just as I ran out of sticks and was searching for a rock that wouldn't smash her window.

"Sehun? What the heck - what are you doing here?"

The rock fell to my feet with a clatter, and I smiled, not sure if I was happy because of the sight of her or because her hair was a little messy. "Come out here for a minute."

"What? No."

"Come on!"

She threw out her hand to shut me up and nervously looked behind her. I didn't realize till then that I had been yelling. I winched and mouth "Sorry." Suzy gripped the windowsill with her other hand and looked down. I could practically see the wheels in her head working overdrive before she gave me a tiny nod and disappear.

I met her at the back door. She wore a baggy white hoodie that she wore and the hem ended halfway down her thighs and barely covered the plaid shorts. No, wait, were those . . .


Suzy followed my gaze and quickly pulled the hem down. "I wear them to sleep, okay?"

"Hey, I'm not judging. I'm actually wearing the same kind now." I smiled when her eyes jerked down to my sweatpants. "Want to see?"

"Uh, no thanks." Sehun though it was dark, I could see her flaming cheeks. She ducked her head even lower and cleared her throat. "What do you want, Sehun?"

"To talk."

"Talk? Now?"

"Yeah, why else would I come to your house in the middle of the night?" I laughed and shook my head. "Never mind, don't answer that. That was too easy."

Even her ears were red, but at least she laughed with me. Suzy wrapped her arms around herself and nodded toward the hammock. "Fine, come on."

As I followed, I couldn't help admiring her from the back. Over the past couple of weeks, Suzy got prettier every time I saw her. Those boxers were sexy. Good thing it was warm outside, I wasn't lying when I said I had a pair just like them. I couldn't help imagining that the pair of boxers she on were mine and why she would be wearing them in the first place.

I shoved my hands in my pockets and subtly adjusted the fabric around my crotch.

Suzy sat on the hammock, and my eyes drifted from the alluring plaid fabric to her white legs that obviously didn't see the sun very much down to her small feet. I could feel heat climbing up my face.

I sat down beside her and awkwardly shifted back and forth, torn between wanting to get closer and not getting too close, because I didn't know if I could hold myself back. She leaned away from me and gave me a funny look.


A half smile appeared on her face. "I didn't know you wear glasses. It makes you look cute. Smart."

My brows rose in surprise. Did Suzy Bae call me cute and smart? I made a big show of adjusting the wire-rimmed glasses on my nose. "Yeah, well, blame it on computers and video games at a young age." 

"Ah, now that I can believe. So what do you want to talk about?"

"I wanted to see if you were okay?" I asked lamely. Darn, why couldn't I think of a better excuse?

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