11 {Suzy}

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"Thanks for getting the snacks," I said over my shoulder to Minho. My eyes were glued to the computer screen as I finished typing up the checklist for Career Day to send to Mr. Kim. "I know was I was supposed to prep for the meeting, but I have so much catching up to do for this event."

"It's fine. You know I don't mind helping."

"Yeah, I can always count on you. That's why I take advantage of you so much."

Minho chuckled and leaned against the edge of the table. "Wow, thanks for letting me know."

I gave him a smile. "No problem."

We were quiet for the next couple of minutes, but it was a comfortable silence as we both worked. Finally I clicked the Send button and swung around in my seat, stretching my hands over my head. "So, do you need me to do anything else?"

"Nah, I'm done." He checked his phone before putting it back in his pocket. "And everyone should be here soon."

Nodding, I grabbed a bag of chips from the table and basically inhaled it within seconds. I was so excited today when Mr. Kim handed me back the reins for planning Career Day that I had barely eaten any lunch. I did have time to stop and smirk at Seolhyun, though.

"So . . . " Minho cleared his throat a few times before continuing. "I've been meaning to ask you about Sehun."

"Hmm?" With cheeks still puffed out, I swallowed and reached for another bag - Oreos this time. "What about him?"

He shrugged. "It's just kind of strange. I mean, barely two weeks ago, you told me that there was nothing going on between you two. In this same room. And now you're dating?"

My eyes looked down at the bag in my hands. Did he suspect something? It sucked to lie to him, but I didn't have a choice. I couldn't tell Minho the truth. "I never said that there was nothing between us. I just said that nothing happened at night."

His brows rose. "And now?"

"Uh . . ." Wait, was he asking me if Sehun and I had sex?

Suddenly realizing what he said, his cheeks flushed a dull pink - probably mirroring my own hot face. "No, I didn't - what I meant was that I'm just surprised you guys are dating. You guys don't look like you fit together. You're different."

Images of Sehun and my conversations flashed in my head. "I thought so, too, but he's actually not that bad."

"Really? Because he seems like he doesn't care about school and college and stuff. You know, all the things that are important to you."

I got quiet at his words. Our relationship didn't make sense because we didn't make sense. Minho had me there. He saw the things the same way I did. School and Korea Uni. Law School were my life. And even though I'd tried asking Sehun about the college applications I had given him a few days ago, he never gave me a straight answer. No matter how many times I brought it up. I mean, he seemed interested at first, but I didn't know if he'd changed his mind at all.

But none of this mattered, since we weren't actually in a real relationship. It didn't matter if he didn't care about the same things or have anything in common. It didn't matter that our relationship experiences were on opposite ends. Or that his ex-friends-with-benefits friend was the image of raw sexuality, while I was a church girl. A church girl who was studying to be a nun.

It didn't, because we weren't planning to ride into the sunset and live happily ever after. This was just a contract. A deal.

The high of Career Day planning faded and my appetite was gone. I crushed the remaining cookies into crumbs. "We're just dating. It's nothing serious."

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