2 {Suzy}

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The two-mile walk home took forever. Within minutes. I regretted no accepting Sehun's offer to drive me home. I knew why it would have been a bad idea, but with each painful step, the reasons disappeared.

One thing is for sure, these sandals were definitely not made for walking.

Finally home, I barely had time to sneak into the bathroom to throw up before my parents caught me. Lucy, my nine-year-old baby sister, was sitting at the top of the stairway when I ran past. She started to call my name, but I motioned for to be quiet. The sweetheart nodded and followed my motion of zipping her lips shut.

There was a knock on the bathroom door a few minutes later. "Suzy? I didn't think you'd be home so soon. I called your phone earlier, but you didn't pick up, so I called Soyeon  and she told me you were still asleep."

My hands automatically flew to my pockets, even though I knew my phone wasn't there. I must have left it at the party or something. "Yeah, sorry, Eomma. I think the ringer is off." I called out, trying to sound as normal as I could.

"It's okay. So did you have fun at the party? Did it help take off your mind off things?"

That was an understatement. "Yeah. I can honestly say it really did."

"I knew it would!" I could hear the cheerfulness in her voice. "Do you want some breakfast? I made your favorite. French toast with a side of fresh fruits. Heavy whipped cream too."

Ugh, more food talk. I plopped down next to the toilet again, feeling crappy both inside and outside. "Maybe a little later? Let me shower first, okay?"


Yeah, there was no way I could hide this hangover from Eomma and Appa. That man could detect any hint of weakness and lies. Which is why he's a great lawyer. Although right now, I wasn't so proud of those skills.

Once the coast was clear, I poked my head out of the bathroom to check. The hall was empty. Only Lucy still sitting by the top of the stairs, like a guard with braids.

I cleared my throat and motioned her forward. "Can you let me know when Eomma and Appa are gone? I don't want to see them right now."

"But -"

"If you help me and keep this secret between us, then you can have my French toast with extra syrup. Deal?"

I don't know if it was the thought of keeping a secret from our parents or the French toast bribe, but her smile widened until all you can see were her shiny teeth. "Deal!"

After she left, I hopped into the tub. Well, not so much hopped as stumbled around with my head between my hands in an attempt to make the throbbing stop. Thankfully, the steaming-hot water eased my headache, making everything feel better. Not perfect, but better.

I stayed in the shower for ages, until the hot water turned warm and finally piercing cold. Not wanting to turn into an icicle, I finally got out. My fingertips were already wrinkled prunes.

Wrapping a thick cream towel around myself, I wiped at the condensation on the mirror and stared myself down. "So you had a minor setback with Korea University Law School yesterday and Sehun this morning. Big whoop." I narrowed my eyes at my own reflection. "It doesn't mean anything. You're still Suzy Bae. You're still you. You're still awesome. And this time next year, you'll be sitting on the Korea University Law School campus thinking, Sehun who?"

"Suzy, Eomma and Appa left. Can I eat the French toast in your room?"

A scared denial automatically sprang to my lips at the image of crumbs and syrup all over my bed, but I pushed it down at Lucy's earnest tone. I owed her one for helping me out anyway. "Sure, but uh, make sure you get extra napkins."

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