Chapter 5: History of A Man's Past and How He Came to Know Our Hero

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Well, folks, we so far have had an amazing adventure with Azwelitia and Hardwyn. In addition, we have learned a lot who Azwelitia is and about her past. However, folks, I am interested in learning about Hardwyn and his past. As the readers of this story, I bet you have the same questions I have swimming through your brains about the character, Hardwyn.

Well, since I have created the character, I will write a part of the Azwelitia story just for Hardwyn and we will learn who he is and all about his past. This may clear any doubt from your mind about if this character is actually a credible character and we will find out how he came to meet our friend, Azwelitia.

Hardwyn's ancestry traces back all the way to year 1125 and the man known as Jarraeles. Jarraeles the Dwahatiba, was a man that at the start of the Great Holy Ancient Demon Wars, was a peasant man, meaning that he worked in the fields of a court noble that was loyal to the Spanish king, which meant that Jarraeles toiled in the fields of a Spanish king's court noble's fief and could not leave that property.

Then one day, when the war had reached the Spanish kingdom, the Spaniards were surprised by the force of strength that Jarraeles was showing to battle the evil that had entered his kingdom. The king decided that Jarraeles needed to serve in an army that would allow him to use his strength to his full advantage. So, in a secret meeting with the Calidragons and Jarraeles's owner, the Spanish king decided to free Jarraeles. So, with the agreement that Jarraeles would serve the Calidragons in their army as a knight, Jarraeles was freed and was sent to serve in the Calidragon army.

The princess of the Calidragon kingdom was one-day walking around her palace and had walked into the training facility of the knights. She decided to watch the knights practice their swordsmanship for battle. While she was watching this practice, a young man that she had never seen before stepped onto the practice field and his name was announced to all over the facility's speaker system. The announcer person announced the knight's name as Jarraeles, a human from the country of Spain.

The princess whose name was Esmé and was Shimea's sister, was surprised that a human would be allowed to live in the Calidragon kingdom as she thought that most of the kingdom was demon. But then again, her sister, who she knew nothing about, had a different father than her, but the mother was the same. Was there something to this history of humans existing together with the Calidragons that would shape a future generation hundreds of years from now? Esmé was unsure of herself now as she now felt something for this human something she never felt before, but she did not know what this feeling was. She knew her sister would know as she was older, but not only that she had experience when it came to the subject of love. If there something that Shimea would know about, it would be love. And today was a good day to ask her about love because the kingdom's love festival was only a few weeks away and knowing Shimea, she would be asking her longtime boyfriend, Xous, who was human and also a soldier for the Calidragon army, to the festival. Esmé knew that Shimea was going to ask Xous to marry her, which was going to be a surprise to her whole family, but not only that the whole kingdom. They were surprised that their princess would want to marry a human. However, they knew that they had to respect their princess' wishes as they did not want to upset any of the Dragon Gods that created the Calidragons and that might have created the Planet Earth as they feared the war would get worse if they upset the Dragon gods in any way. So, they decided to plan a double wedding for the two princesses as they knew that Shimea was already planning her wedding with Xous, with whom she had asked to marry her, and she knew that she wanted the wedding to take place at a fair in the town square. Esmé figured that maybe she could get married on the same day as her sister as the fair was not that far off.

So, to prepare for the fair, she needed to see the wizard, Arius. She knew that he knew how to help her prepare a special part of the play especially for the royal show. But her sister did not know this, that Esmé had not prepared anything for the royal show. How would Esmé tell her sister that she had not prepared anything for the show? She needed to tell her and quickly because the fair was upon them. This needed to be done tonight. She had to figure what to say to her sister to let her know that she had not prepared her skit for the royal play. What do, oh what to do? Esmé needed an idea for a skit and fast because the fair was upon the whole kingdom of Calidragonia. What type of skit would she put on? Well, the world would only know. But first a trip the wizard, Arius. He would know the world of quick play making. However, to get to Arius, one had to travel to the Sapphire Alley, and to do that person had to have the Sapphire Key Stone. Which that key stone was held by the only person who could handle such beauty in one stone, the Calidragon princess, Shimea, Esmé's older sister. She had to ask her for help. So, Esmé decided it was time to ask her sister for the one thing in the world that she had never done before. Ask for her sister's help.

A Crazy Day in the Life of Azwelitia The Great Holy Demon Wars Series Book 1Where stories live. Discover now