Thirty three

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I glared at my mother. Why did she always talk to people like she would a dog.
"No thank you."
"Why not? It's good food and it'll go to waste."
"I don't feel good. The smell is turning my stomach."
She perked up a little, almost like she's a dog herself, you could almost see her ears twitch and swivel to face me.
"Why don't you feel good?"
"I dunno. Must be a tummy bug."
"Does your belly hurt?"
I wasn't really listening. My head hurt and I was trying to watch TV.
She stood up suddenly, invading my personal space, and clamped a hand to my forehead. I jumped and shuddered simultaneously and pulled away, barely resisting the urge to shove her.
"You don't have a temperature," she said.
I just wanted to tell her to get out of my house and leave me alone forever.
"When did you last have your period?"
I lookes up at her, startled, the thought hadn't even crossed my mind.
"None of your business," I snapped.
She laughed. It was such a strange thing to see. I couldn't remember the last time I'd heard her laugh. It was old and rusty, and she sort of choked half way through, like it might kill her.
"You're pregnant!" She said.
Hearing it said out loud hit me low in the stomach, punching all the air out.
She did this weird little scream and shook her head excitedly.
Seeing her like that was scaring me more than the thought of bringing an innocent life into this monstrous family.
She ran out of the room, calling for my father.
Now the whole world would know my news.
"Let me do a bloody pregnancy test first!" I shouted after her.

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