Chapter 1 - Me and the Farm

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My family owns a farm and we had all sorts of animals. Horses, pot belly pigs, goats, ducks. You name it we got it! My family found joy beyond measure in doing the farm work but as for me... it was a chore that I could care less for. I mean, who in the world likes scooping horse poop?! Apparently my twin sisters do, who wake up extra early just to get the chores done. They make me wonder at times. However I can't really complain when they ask me to do my chores, to which I reply nonchalantly, "sure". They make farm life that much easier.
Tragedy struck the farm when our one and only hen was killed. While my family was wondering what happened I was already on the case. You see, where my family are farmers I aspire to be a detective. Yup! I reckon one day I will be mentioned with the likes of Sherlock Holmes and Tin Tin. My detective work lead me to our beloved german shepherd. I noticed that she had a little bit of blood on the tip of her tooth. I told my parents and they were shocked. No, we didn't shoot the dog. Instead we just scolded Lady, that was her name, gave her a few whooping on her rear end and a couple nights without dinner and things were back to normal. Well, except for the 7 motherless chicks that just hatched.

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