I even brought Leila back to keep her company but she just scooted closer to me and rested her head on my shoulder.

"Are you sure you're alright?"

Laila looked at me and her eyes got teary. "You're leaving tomorrow right?"

That was unexpected, it left me speechless. How do I respond?

She must have taken my silence as a yes because her tears came down. She suddenly buried her face onto my chest and hugged me.

"I don't want you to go!"

I didn't intend to leave her in the first place, especially now.

"You want me to stay?" I murmured; on the outside I was calm but on the inside I was howling in joy.

She wanted me to stay!

Laila looked up and sniffed. "Yes." Her voice cracked a little and I couldn't help the smile that formed in my face. "Jamie please don't leave me"

I swear this girl will be the death of me one day.

"I won't."

"You promise?" Laila murmured.

I held her face and smiled at her. "Yes, now it's time for bed. Go take a shower while I set up your bed."

She nodded then climbed off the couch and left the living room, seconds later I heard the showers turned on.

I leaned back on the couch and covered my face with my hands. I was beginning to feel the whole stress of the situation I was in.

Why does it have to be so complicated?

I didn't want to think about the consequences of my decision. I stood up and headed to the bedroom to fix Laila's bed. I was so distracted with my thoughts I wasn't paying much attention to my task. By the time I finished Laila came back showered and ready for bed with her hair damped and wearing one of my shirts as a nightgown.

My shirt was too big on her and it reached to her mid thigh making her look hot. I half imagined her coming towards me in a cat walk.

She gave me one of her carefree smiles before  climbing into bed. "Can you read me a story?"

I just stood there with my mouth hanging open.

I didn't know any bedtime stories. Maybe about the three little pigs who went to grandma's house or little red who ate the poison apple some dwarf gave her?

No that can't be it.

I was getting nervous, I hardly get nervous yet here is Laila waiting for a bedtime story and I got jack.

My face was hot.

"Do you know any?" She asked.

It was like she knew and was mocking me.

I shook my head as I sat right next to her and grinned sheepishly. "I can make one up." I suggested.

Her eyes lid up and it was my undoing. She crawled next to me and snuggled to my chest.

"Okay ah, once upon a time there was this beautiful princess with a very big heart."

"What was her name?"

"I'm getting to that."

Sheesh, she's impatient.

"Her name was ah, princess Naila."

"Did you just give her a name similar to mine?" Laila asked with a raised brow.

I laughed then kissed her head, she was smart. "Yes I did, but it's a made up story so don't complain."

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