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Wednesday, November 8th

Cambull High 

4:05 p.m

The school bell rung a few minutes ago and honestly everyday seems the same. Luke left last weekend and I haven't felt this lonely since Chris left. Everyday this week I come to school and leave, there are time where I catch Savannah glaring at me but that's normal. As I stand at my locker I see people move around me and continue with their daily lives, but it feels like I'm here yet I'm not exactly here. I can hear everyone but they all seem so distant. My mind begins to wander to my past and for a second I swear I hear him...Wilder. 

"Camila!" I slam my locker door shut in shock and see Austin Park himself. 

"Sorry. Um hey" I say awkwardly. 

"We should work on the project today"

"Are you sure you're not too busy with your own life?" I say as I lean against my locker. I was expecting Austin to say something along the lines of 'oh you should be grateful if I want to spend time with you' but he didn't.

"My life only belongs to you" he says as he leans closer towards my face. Before I knew it his face is only a few centimeters away from my face. He stares at me and I try my best to avoid eye contact. "I'm joking" he laughs as he backs away from me. "But seriously let's go"

We walk out of the school and to my surprise, Savannah doesn't even bother looking at us. It makes me wonder if there is something going on between them that I don't know about. But I decided to ignore it and keep following Austin. 


4:25 p.m

We continue walking until I realized that we past the MJ's which is by my house. Austin kept on walking calmly as if he knew exactly what he was doing, but I wasn't exactly what that was. 

"Um Austin?" I ask as I keep following him. 

"Mhm" he hums, barely loud enough for me to hear. 

"Where are we going? We past MJ's already, did you forget where I live?" I joked but I found myself to be the only one laughing. 

"I was thinking we could go for a little walk together before we worked on the project. After all you did say that we need to show how we can see the world differently through a camera lens, maybe before we do that we should try to see the world with our own eyes" he looks me in my eyes and I saw something different in his. Most of the time when I see his blue eyes I see a deep ocean that you can't normally see through the surface, but this time it was like the sunlight was shining through and you could finally see past the surface and through to what's hidden underneath. 

"Okay. Well let's go see the world" I said as I grabbed his hand and pulled him along with me as I took off running towards the park across the street. 


Ravine Park

4:35 p.m

I literally dragged Austin to the playground, he resisted at first because he thought it was immature and we'd look weird playing in a place where there are a bunch of kids. But after a while he gave in. Even though some parents were looking at us weird we didn't care, we were enjoying ourselves. As Austin pushed me on the swings a little girl came up to us. 

"Excuse me" she said as she tugged on Austin's jeans. "Can you push me on the swing too?" she asked shyly. She was so cute, she had dark brown hair and her eyes were just like mine, hazel. She had to be at least five years old. She reminded me of myself when I was younger, back to when everything was simple and I didn't know about how evil the world could be. 

Saving the Girl With Lilac HairOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora