Chapter 11: Mulan & Alaadin

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Author's Note: Sorry For The Long Wait, Hope This Makes Up For it :) <3

During the entire drive to Salvator Enterprises, I couldn't help myself but burst into laughter. I mean he did that to me so I guess like I've said multiple times payback's a straight up mad ass bitch. I parked the car before walking - penguin style- toward the daycare.

" Can I get Chloe?" I asked the woman who was playing with the children.

She smiled my way, " She's not here. She was picked up about five minutes ago."

" Wait what!" I screamed.

The lady looked scared, " Her father picked her up."

" What! She doesn't have a father!" I screamed louder before I ripped the ends of the skirt so I'd be able to run.

Running upstairs, I found my way towards Armani's wing and everyone was looking at me while I turned to Cassie, " Where's Chloe??!!!!"

" Mr. Salvator had her last time I checked. He said to tell you Payback is a bitch." Cassie repeated to me that words that Jackass told her.

My heart was beating twenty miles a minute before I ran toward the exit and hopped into the car. I hit the gas and sped through the streets towards the house, I knew he would be there. I was ready to skin him alive, who did he think he was to kidnap Chloe from the daycare and then blackmail me with her.  A dead man was what he was going to be. I made it to the house - with no tickets - and ran into the house. I scanned the entire house and no one was here. Where did he take her? I felt like breaking down and crying. It had been two hours and nothing. Not even a call informing me that she was okay.  I kept calling Armani's cellphone but no luck, he would keep sending me to voicemail. What if he was hurting her? What if he lied to her? What if he hid her from me? I was panicking until I heard the front door unlock.

" CHLOE!" I screamed.

I saw Chloe running towards me with Armani chasing her laughing, " Chloe come here." I ordered. She obeyed and stood beside my leg.

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