Chapter 1

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Alea ^^

Hello! Thanks for reading! This may suck but its my first successful attempt at a fan fiction so onto the story!!

Hello! Thanks for reading! This may suck but its my first successful attempt at a fan fiction so onto the story!!

اوووه! هذه الصورة لا تتبع إرشادات المحتوى الخاصة بنا. لمتابعة النشر، يرجى إزالتها أو تحميل صورة أخرى.

Alea's POV

I forced Akasha to ride harder fearing I would miss the meeting. After all what's a council meeting of The Free Peoples of Middle-Earth without me. I had been hunting a pack of orcs towards the south passage. I managed to slice them all down last night just before dawn. My thoughts snapped back to reality as the gates came into view. I focused on keeping composure knowing Lord Elrond will be pissed. As soon as I trotted into view I was met with Arwen greeting me and pulling me off towards my room to pick out something for me t put on. I told Akasha to make her way to the stables. 

"Where have you been" Arwen asked me

"Hunting the orc pack near the south passage" I answered confidently. 

" Father is going to be angry you know" She reprimanded me 

"Yes I know" I answered

We finally made it to my room and she began to run a hot bath and picked out a pair of black pants and a baby blue tunic for me to put on along with a pair of brown riding boots knowing i would rather die than wear a dress. I climbed into the bath and enjoyed the smell of roses filling my nose. I lathered my body with rose scented soap and combed through my hair with the same scented shampoo. I climbed out and wrapped myself in a silky robe and headed into my connecting room to see what Arwen had set out for me. 

Arwen had picked out a olive green tunic and a black pair of riding pants along with my black riding boots. I placed my mothers necklace back on and got dressed just in time to hear a knock on my door. 

"Enter" I said

"They are here" Arwen said peaking her head through the door. I walked towards the door and stopped only to faster my duel swords onto my back. Arwen and I walked through the halls towards the spot were the meeting would be held. I gathered my confidence and strode into the hall. 

"Welcome Alea" Lord Elrond addressed me.

"My lord" I answered polity. 

"Have a seat" He said

I choose a seat between a man with strawberry blonde lock and another man with white hair and a white beard. 

 "Why does a women join us?" the man with strawberry blond lock asked.

"Why does an ignorant man join the council of Elrond?"  I retort back 

He glared at me but stayed quiet. 

"Strangers from distant lands ... friends of old. You have been summoned here to answer the threat of Mordor. Middle-Earth stands upon the brink of destruction. None can escape it. You will unite ... or you will fall. Each race is bound to this fate ... this one doom...".

The Joys of Middle-Earthحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن