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Tell me what you guys want to see! :3

cute otp things


-One waking the other up with whispers in their ears

-Waking the other up with tickles

-Waking the other up with kisses

(Bonus points for combining all three)

-Both still staying in bed for a minutes besides one or both being completely awake

-One got out of bed early and see the other one coming out of the bedroom only wearing an oversized T-shirt(maybe they wear underpants, maybe not)

-One seeing the other coming out of the bedroom shirltess/only in underwear

-A made breakfast and goes to wake the other but B is still really sleepy so they sit up and stretch out their arms to their partner with pleading eyes and A gives in to the cute antics and carries them to the table

-A wanting to get up but B is laying on them and A doesn’t want to wake them

-A is completely done with their morning routine so they go to wake B but B slams their arms around A and “forces” them back on the bed and A has no choice but to give in

-While A is at the sink brushing their teeth/combing their hair/etc. B hugs them from behind

-When one is done with their morning shower the other one immediaetly hugs them and takes in their fresh scent

-A wants to make breakfast for B but fails at it completely and makes the kitchen a mess so when their lover awakes and finds them in the kitchen A explains it to them with innocent eyes, but B doesn’t get mad and suggests to help A clean the kitchen and make breakfast together

-One eating their breakfast really slowly because they can’t help staring at their lover the whole time

-Fixing each others hair and/or clothes before going out

-One has a hangover/Is sick the next morning and the other one takes care of them for the rest of the day

Person A, the more stoic/serious of the two, treating a severe injury that Person B sustained. Person B notices A’s hands shaking and tries to crack a joke, which only serves to send Person A bursting into tears over nearly losing B.

Sangwoo x Yoonbum Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt