Guess Who's Back...

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*Bum pov*

The month of peace had ended, much to my disappointment. Juien had come back, and was practicing with the other cheerleaders. I still had to get pictures for the yearbook, and had to get a few of the girls practicing. Once they stopped for a break, I walked over to them. "E-excuse me ladies.." I said shyly. "I-I need a few shots for the it ok if I take some pictures of you all practicing?" Most of the girls nodded and smiled, but two didn't. Those two were, no surprise, Juien and her friend Misa. Each one of the were bad enough on their own, but together; it was a storm waiting to happen...

While most of the team was cooperative, allowing me to take the necessary pictures I needed; it came time to photograph the cheer captain and her right hand woman.... And I was absolutely dreading it.

"Hurry up Freakshow!" Julien snapped, scowling at me while she posed with Misa. "We don't have all fucking day! Speed up will you?!" I sighed tiredly, quickly taking the pictures I needed. "Thank you for your cooperation ladies, I appreciate it." I smiled weakly, feeling sick to my stomach, and wanting to run away. The team, save Juien and Misa who were still scowling at me, all smiled and waved; and I quickly walked off. Unbeknownst to me, I was being followed.

*Samgwoo pov*

"Strumming my pain with his fingers~ Singing my life with his words~Killing me softly with his song~ Killing me softly with his song~Telling my whole life with his words~ Killing me softly with his song~" The music played in my headphones, while I waited for my baby near the front of the school like normal. I dont know what it was about this song that made me listen to it so much, but it was nice. While waiting, I heard what sounded like scuffling nearby.

I pulled my headphones off, trying to figure out where it was coming from. "A-ah! Please s-stop! I cant be in closed spaces!" a voice, that I loved so dearly, shrieked in fear. "Doesn't matter, Freakshow!" a girl hissed in response, before I heard a locker slam shut. "Juien, what the actual fuck?!" I yelled as I ran over, shoving her and her dumb bitch of a friend out of my way. "Let me out! Im begging you, please let me out!!" Bum sobbed in fear, pounding his fists against the combo-locked door. "Baby, Im right here, relax. Breathe Bum." I said, trying to calm him down enough to get him out. "Tell me the combo Juien!" I snarled, glaring at her. Juien just smirked at me, with her hands on her hips. "Whats it to you, Woo-woo~?" she asked. I growled, grabbing her by her cheer outfit collar. "If you dont want me to fucking murder you in your sleep, you'll let him out. NOW JUIEN!" I yelled at her, barely restraining myself from beating the absolute shit out of her.

She must have realised that I was serious, because she hesitantly did a she was told; unlocking the combo, and Bum fell out; shaking and sobbing.

I quickly scooped him into my arms, hugging him tightly while he clung to me; sobbing loudly. "Its ok baby, Ive got you, shh.." "S-Sangwoo..! Waaaahhhh!" Bum wailed, shaking like a leaf. "I-I was s-so s-scared..!" "I know baby..Im so sorry.." I murmured, kissing his temple; glaring at Juien. The other cheerleaders came up, some comforting Bum, and others talking with Juien and Misa seriously. Bum looked so miserable. I mean, who could blame him? He's claustrophobic, and Juien just shoved him in a fucking locker... One cheerleader, named Shimia, gently wiped Bum's tears away with a tissue; while another, named Ayame, got him some water.

"You cant be on our team if you keep doing this." one girl said to Juien and Misa. "This was your last chance, and you both blew it. All vote to remove them from the cheer club, raise your hand and say I."

The entire cheerteam raised their hands, and said in unison "I." "Notion carried." said the first girl. "Lets resume practice, with Ayame and Shimia as our new captains." she smiled. While all that went down, I managed to sneak away with Bum.

*Bum pov, back at Sangwoo's house*

"Poor dear..." Sangwoo's mother murmured, while she was making dinner; as Sangwoo and I sat at the table. "Im so sorry that happened to you, Yoonbum." "I-its ok..." I mumbled. With a loud thunk, she sank the knife she was using into the cutting board; and turned to look at me in shock. "She shoved you into a locker! Thats harrasment!" she said. I flinched at her loud voice. She sighed. "Im sorry darling..I'll call the principal about this after dinner. I wont let this slide. Not after what she did last time." "Y-yes ma'am.." I mumbled. Mrs. Oh is very protective of me and Sangwoo, wanting us both to be happy. Since my parents were away, and my Uncle pretty much kicked me out of the house, Mrs. Oh let me live with her and Sangwoo; which was very kind of her. Dont get me wrong, she's a lovely woman, and a very loving mother. I honestly wouldn't mind if she became my mother-in-law later in life...but its too early to think about that!

"Sangwoo, why dont you take him to lay down for a little while? I'll let you boys know when dinner is ready." she smiled. "Alright mom. But do you need any help first?" Sangwoo asked as he got up with me. "Im alright sweetie, but thank you." His mother said sweetly.

Now Sangwoo and I are laying on his bed, cuddling. It'd been a long day, and I was tired; both physically and mentally. I sighed tiredly, closing my eyes while Sangwoo petted my hair. It felt nice. Like his face, his hands are gentle with me. They are bigger than me, with a slight callous from playing sports everyday. I like his hands, his voice, his smile, I love everything about him; and Im glad to be with him.

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