Cuddles After School

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*Sangwoo pov*

I was waiting for Bum near the front of the school, listening to my music to pass the time. "Killing me softly~ Killing me softly with his song~" I quietly sang, leaning against the wall; while waiting for my baby to find me.

*Bum pov*

I sniffled, rubbing my side. It hurt so bad.. Juien had sent had sent her goons after me, and they beat the crap out of me. "Stay awake from Sangwoo, freakshow." Juien spat, giving me a sharp kick to my stomach; which knocked the wind it of me. "He's mine, got it?" I nodded vigorously, trying not to cry.

"Juien! What the fuck did you do to him?!" a voice, I loved so much, yelled. Juien turned to see, but was shoved out of the way by Sangwoo, who scooped me up and hugged me. I clung to him desperately, sobbing loudly.

*Sangwoo pov*

I hugged my baby close while he clung to me, sobbing. "Shhh..Ive got you baby.." I murmured. "Its ok..Shhh.." I glared at Juien. "Juien, why the hell did you do this to him?" I growled at her. She backed up a little, obviously nervous. "I..I-I didn'" "Bullshit, you didn't do anything bitch!" I yelled at her. "Anyone who thinks they can hurt my baby, and get away with it? Hell no. That does not go unpunished." I got up, still holding my baby, who had his face buried in my neck. Juien watched us, completely dumbfoudumbfounded. "This is the reason I will never date you, you Fuckin bitch!" I snarled at her, then walked off with Bum in my arms.

*back at Sangwoo's house, Bum's pov*

While Sangwoo's mother patched me up, Sangwoo called my mother to let her know what happened, and that I'd be staying over the night. "Are you ok sweetie?" Sangwoo's mother asked, jarring me out of my thoughts. "Y-yes ma'am..thank you for helping me." She smiled at me, and kissed my forehead. "Its not a problem love." she murmured, laying me down on Sangwoo's bed. "Try to get some rest ok? I'll let you both know when dinner is ready." "Thank you ma'am.." I mumbled, snuggling up to the blanket. She stepped out as Sangwoo walked in, and laid down with me; snuggling me.

I buried my face in his strong chest, and he kissed the top of my head. "I love you Bum." he murmured as I yawned quietly, wanting to curl up and sleep with him. "I love you too Sangwoo.." I mumbled, snuggling closer to him. "Its so warm..." I mumbled sleepily. "Its almost like Im in my mama's tummy again.." I yawned, closing my eyes. Sangwoo snickered and cuddled me. "You're too cute Bum."

Sangwoo x Yoonbum Where stories live. Discover now