Chapter 15

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Chapter: 15

The fact that we haven't heard from Jacob Black and his world of shit has had me on edge. I contacted Jenks and I have him digging for more info on Jacob. I also upped some security measures to make sure that he stays away from my girl when she is at school. Between Jasper and the two guys Felix recommended to me, she should be safe on campus. I just worry that Jacob has some hidden agenda, and until we know what he's planning, I feel we need to be vigilant with protecting Bella.

Today is the day I'm taking Bella on our first date as couple. I have a huge day planned, and I'm excited to see what she thinks of it all. I'm ready to go pick out her clothes, so I head upstairs.

"Edward, can't you tell me where we're going? I have no clue what to wear," Bella says and I shake my head at her.

I open the closet door more and look at the small amount of clothes Bella has. "This and this, oh and ... that. There you are," I say handing Bella the tightest pair of pants she owns, a sleek-looking top, and her leather jacket. "I really need to take you shopping, your side of our closet looks entirely too empty."

Bella looks at me and then rolls her eyes. "Ed-ward," she says as I slap her ass.

"No rolling your eyes at me." Bella looks at me, and I can see she's fighting her desire to roll her eyes again.

I walk to the dresser and put down my wallet and other things from my pocket. I watch her the entire time in the mirror. She closes her eyes and it seems like she's counting to ten. She opens them and smiles at me. "Edward, it was emptier before you put my stuff in there."

I shake my head and chuckle at her as she again closes her eyes. I walk to her and start to knead her ass making her open her eyes again. "Yes, but it was a single man's closet. As a single man, I was meant to have more room than I ever needed. Now I share it with my beautiful," I kiss her lips, "sexy," kiss, "hot," kiss, "girlfriend, it should be full."

I feel Bella chuckle and she shakes her head. "So you and Alice share the same love of shopping then?"

I chuckle shaking my head at her. "Nope, I hate shopping. In fact, the only enjoyment I've ever get from shopping at all, is when I've been out buying something for you."

I watch as Bella blushes and then she narrows her eyes at me, which is better than rolling them. "You did it again! You distracted me so I wouldn't realize you didn't actually answer my question."

I chuckle and lean forward to her kiss her again. "Get dressed, Beautiful," I say before walking away to finish getting myself ready.

I turn as I button my shirt to look at Bella who is putting on the sexiest pair of boots I have ever seen.

"Fuck, Beautiful, you look amazing."

Bella blushes and looks me up and down. "You're looking pretty hot, too." I chuckle nodding at her.

I help her with her jacket before leading her out of the room and downstairs. Never letting go of her hand, we walk outside together. She frowns at me when I hand her a helmet. "I'm taking you out on my motorcycle today."

Bella's eyes widen, and then she grins widely at me, "Yeah, really? I have been dying for you to take me for a ride on the motorcycle; she's so very pretty and shiny."

I chuckle and nod at her. I help her strap on her helmet and I get mine on as well. I check the audio system on the helmets and make sure it is working correctly. I straddle the machine and I help her on the bike carefully, sitting her behind me.

"Hold on real tight to me," I say before I start the bike. Bella wraps her arms around me and I push the ignition button. "If you need anything, I'll be able to hear you."

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