Chapter 2

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Chapter: Two

I drove my sleepy beautiful dancer to her dorm. When I pulled up to the building, I find myself strangely upset to see that the door was still open. As I look around, I see a lot of people around, and it appears as if they're having a party. There are cups and apparently drunk college co-eds everywhere. I let out a sigh knowing that there must have been a party and it's now winding down. I wonder if Bella knew about this, or if this was this all a part of her dorm-mates plan.

I look at Bella and push her hair from her eyes. "Beautiful, sweetie you're home."

She moans at me in response. I unbuckle myself and lean over her speaking softly in her ear. "Beautiful, my sweet, you're going to have to wake up so I can get you inside." Unable to stop myself, I place a soft kiss on the side of her face and watch as her eyes open slowly, looking into mine. "There you are, Beautiful, and just like sleeping beauty, you needed a kiss to wake up."

I watch as a smile, and blush come over her face. "Thank you, for the lift home, Edward."

I nod my head at her. "Can I have your cell number?" I look right at her as I ask.

I watch as her beautiful blush deepens on her face and she nods her head at me handing me her cell. I take it from her putting my number—well all my numbers in it, before calling myself so that I have hers.

"I don't have very much time on my phone, it's pre-paid and I plan to put some more on there after I get my next check, but if you call I'll answer."

"Beautiful, I would really like to see you again and take you out for dinner. I've enjoyed our talk." Her blush deepens even more and she bites her lip.

I chuckle at just how red she has gotten, when I hear her clear her throat. "I'd really like that, but I am working this weekend at Starbucks, the one down from the college. I'm at college all week and work there also begins this week. Most of my free time will be taken up with study groups and tutoring, but I am free Wednesday night and next Friday."

I smile at her. "Okay, I can work around that. I'll give you a call and arrange something special."

I'm already making plans in my head to see her at her place of work. "Stay there, please," I say before jumping out of the car and opening her door. I help her out and she goes to take off my jacket.

"Beautiful, keep it on, I'll get it from you later."

She shakes her head at me. "No, um ... my things go missing or turn up ruined around here a lot. I think it's because I'm new, but anyway ... I'd hate for anything to happen to your jacket. I don't have the money to replace it."

I frown at her, taking the jacket. I look toward the dorm and I'm angered over my thoughts. I'm positive that the party was her dorm-mates doing. I'm sure they wanted her to come home and see the party. This was no surprise party; this was to show Bella that they were excluding her. My brain is quickly trying to work on how mean these girls are to her. She's only been here a month.

I feel her hand touch mine and I look at her. "Thank you, for tonight."

She stands on her tiptoes and places a soft kiss on my cheek. Before I can respond, she's moving away from me. I keep my eyes on her the whole time. It saddens me to see her almost curl into herself as she moves around the stragglers that are still outside. For the next few minutes I fight the strong urge that I have to run in there and take her home with me. I calm myself before getting back in my car and driving away.

I arrive at my home and head straight to my office. I pick up my phone and call Jenks, he picks up after a few rings.

"Hello, Jenks here." I can hear his tired voice on the other end.

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