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Hey guys,

*waves hands*

Okay editing is a pain in the ass I'll tell you that it's really a lot of work and takes so much time and to be honest it's boring it's not like writing it's rereading the book over and over and you already know what's going to happen.

Althrough I know i have to edit, one because it's needed and two getting seriously an escape of what's going on in my life. Like I'm having the hardest time then my brothers because my dad isn't fighting to take them from my mom just me and when I was sixteen my father and I were standing in the kitchen and he was yelling at me and told me he never wanted me he would have left me with my birth mom.

He would was tell me I was a disappointment and worthless I was broken before we moved and then I slowly began to trust people starting making friends and now my dad is trying to take me away from my happy place.

And I don't know what to do my brothers don't know how to help and all I want to do is cry and hide in my room, I feel like both of my parents never wanted me I mean my dad was 18 and my mom 17 when they had me.

The only person who actually wanted me might lose me.

Alright that's enough of my sob story sorry for need talking about it I'm usually very closed off well I'm still working on editing it's going a lot slower now, which stinks I am trying just a lot of craziness right now.

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