[34] Bathtub Adventures

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  "Because he's a good daddy and he loves you very much." I smiled. "You don't have to worry about Jake anymore, baby. Don't worry." She nodded, but was still frowning.

  "Why was he a bad guy?" She asked.

  "Because bad guys like to hurt people." I tried to not go into so much detail and keep this as plain and simple as possible. "And what he did was wrong, Aimee. I want you to know that will never happen again."

  "Okay." Aimee said. "I have too many daddies." She decided. "Because Ni, and Hally, and Zaynie, and..." She trailed off, trying to think of all the boys' names. 

  I heard a deep chuckle from behind me, which would have startled me, but I instantly recognized who it was. I turned around and smiled as Niall sat down beside me, facing the tub.

  "You only have one, Aims." He told her, grabbing one of Aimee's tub toys and setting it on top of the water. "Ave, Sam said that the new bodyguards are comin' any minute."

  "Okay." I nodded. "It seems weird having our own bodyguard team. I'm not used to everyone doing all of these things for me." I admitted. He shrugged.

  "You'll get used to it, babe." He kissed me on the cheek, and Aimee made a noise. I blushed and reached over for the shampoo, scrubbing it into Aimee's hair. She started whining about not being able to play, like usual, but I ignored it.

  "Alright, we've gotta dunk ya." Niall said. She gasped and shut her eyes tight as I dunked the top of, rinsing all the suds out of her hair.

  "Again!" Aimee shouted, splashing the water at us.

  "As long as ya don't splash us anymore." Niall said. She squeezed her eyes tight and I dunked her hair under the water, making her squeal again. I grabbed a wash cloth and started to bathe her body as she chattered and rambled about things that neither Niall nor I really understood, but we laughed along anyways.

  "Hey Aims," Niall said, interrupting her. "Do you like being with your mummy?" I knew what he was talking about, and I just hoped that he didn't bring up the fact that if we wen't through with this case there was a chance of her being taken away. Not that she would fully understand, anyway.

  "Uh-huh." Aimee nodded absentmindedly, not giving it much thought. He just simply nodded and turned to me, a smug look on his face.

  "I like being with her, too." He said, leaning in and kissing me on the lips. It was short-lived but sweet, and also enough to make Aimee splash us with water again. I glared at her for a moment and she gave me the cheekiest grin in the world.

  Suddenly, I heard a loud knock coming from the main room.

  "Must be the new bodyguards." Niall said, standing up.

  "Time to get out of there, Aimee." I said as she whined. "We're going to get your pj's on and then we need to put you to bed soon, okay?" She started to fuss, but I ignored it as Niall handed me a diaper and a shirt for her to wear to bed.

  "Niall, this is your shirt." I chuckled, looking at the plain white tee that said '5SOS'.

  "Yeah, but if she's gonna be my daughter she needs to wear her 5 Seconds of Summer t-shirt ads like I do." He grinned. "Don't worry, I've got one for ya too." I rolled my eyes, but still dressed Aimee in the diaper and t-shirt.

  "It's like a dress." She said, wrinkling her nose as she inspected herself.

  "You look like a princess." Niall assured her. "Someday, I'll take ya to see 'em in concert. It'll be sick." He glanced over at me with a smirk on his face. I had a feeling that Niall would slowly try and turn my daughter into a fangirl.

  Once I had Aimee dressed, she ran out of the bathroom and toward the living room. I was about to follow, but I felt someone grab my waist at the last second. I glanced behind me to see Niall, whose cheeks were red but there was still that prominent smirk etched onto his face.

  "You look too amazing right now, I don't wanna miss the opportunity to kiss ya." He admitted, pulling me close to him and locking lips with mine. We didn't move for the first few seconds, just taking it all in.

  "I heard ya talking to Aimee about Jake." He whispered against me lips.

  "What did you hear?" I asked, my arms wrapped around his neck.

  "Everything," He admitted. "You always know the right thing to say to her, it's amazing. You're amazing." He leaned back in and crashed his lips to mine, swaying a bit on his feet. I giggled and he quickly spun around, facing the tub.

  "What are you doing?" I asked him, trying to get a look. He turned back around with a handful of soap suds and I gasped. "Don't you dare!" I warned, starting to back away, but he plopped the whole thing on the top of my head. I squealed, diving for the tub and throwing suds at him.

  "You got it down my shirt!" He whined, laughing so hard that he was cackling, again. I shrugged and leaned in to him again, kissing him as if it were life or death. I was afraid that we were going to slip, because there were soap suds on the floor, but Niall held onto me tightly, hands firmly secured on my waist.

  "I know what we'll name our twins, if we have 'em." Niall said, pulling away from me only for a brief moment. I raised an eyebrow.

  "Oh yeah, what?" I teased.

  "Football and Derby." He grinned, proud of himself. I burst out laughing, but it was only a few seconds later that I realized he wasn't even joking and it made me question his sanity. "What? Famous people have kids like Blue Ivy, or North West, or Apple... so it fits, right?"

  "We'll talk about this later." I giggled, pressing my lips to his. He chuckled and nodded, grabbing my hand and bringing me along with him. We walked through the bedroom and to the living room, the soap suds that were on our bodies already dissolved.

  In the living room stood an older man with a golden, shiny badge. He had what looked like a sticker sheet in his hand and I saw that he was talking to Aimee, who had at least five stickers on her face.

  "Niall, Avery, this is Oliver." Sam introduced. I smiled and shook the old man's hand as Niall said hello for the both of us.

  Then, I noticed someone over at the other side of the room. He was young and extremely muscular, with slightly wavy hair. As soon as I looked at him, my stomach started churning, like an immediate alarm going off inside of me.

  "And this is Marcus." Sam introduce.

  I glanced back over at him to see that he was looking straight into my eyes, a charming yet intimidating smirk on his face.


  two new characters woop woop



  - x Delilah

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