Mergana begins

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It was almost a month now, Uther made Merlin the personal manservant from Morgana after he saved her life at a concert from a witch who sang everyone asleep. Morgana smiled at the thought of Merlin holding her in his strong arms after he pulled her out her chair, when the witch trew her dagger to finish what she started.
"Morgana", she said to herself "pull it together girl!" She just woke up from a dream. She had the best dream about her and Merlin riding a dragon, so no wonder her thoughts where all about Merlin right now.

There was a short knock on the door, "it's me, Merlin, as usual" she heard from the other side and she let him in. "Soo, how was your night my lady", Merlin asked "did the dreams return?"
"Oh merlin", she answered "I had the BEST DREAM since ages, you where in it to" Merlin smiled, "excited, tell me about it" he said as he opened the windows and began to pick clothes for Morgana.
Morgana's smile faded, if she told Merlin about the dream he probably wanted to know the whole story and in the real story the dream ended with them having 2 kids. "Errr", she began. Merlin interrupted, "i'm sorry my lady, if you don't remember the dream correctly you don't have to answer!" Morgana smiled again, saved... she answered, "thank you Merlin, i knew you'd understand"

***Later that day, about dinertime***

Uther, Ather and Morgana met eachother in the diningroom, Merlin and Gwen served the food, on today's menu the specialty was a stuffed chicken with a fresh lettuce salad and pork. It was the first time since almost a week that Morgana saw Gwen again. Gwen was Morgana's previous personal maidservant before Merlin saved her life, now Gwen was Arthur's second servant, but most of the time George was around for Arthur and Gwen could visit her father, the blacksmith.

Morgana felt a little ashamed she didn't miss Gwen, Merlin was sometimes a terrible servant, he can't also help her with half of her clothes because he's a man. Well that's what Uther thinks, Merlin has seen more than probably Uther would accept, but Morgana didn't really mind. What did worry her was that merlin seemed to spend most of his time in the tavern, but Morgana didn't really mind that either, at least Merlin did enjoy himself and that's al what matters. With this thought Morgana knew for sure, she was in love... with Merlin. "I'm sorry my lord, I'm not feeling well, I'll be going to my restroom, Arthur" she said with a light bow to Uther and Arthur, and she walked away with merlin.

Morgana and her secret love for MerlinWhere stories live. Discover now