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Lil's POV

[At the Cargo bay]

I stepped through the doors and looked for Icheb. But when I didn't see him, I addressed Mezoti, who was getting ready for regeneration.

"Hey Mezoti, do you know where Icheb is?" I asked.

She turned into my direction.

"Yes. He decided to stay on the surface for the night."

"Oh. Thank you."

My heart ached and broke into pieces. He didn't even tell me.

"Didn't he tell you about his intentions?"

I shook at my head, on the edge to crying.

"Do you want me to stay with you? So you have an alcove in your quarters?"

"No, I don't have. But I have a device that would help you regenerate without an alcove."

She took my hand, smiling reassuringly, and I wiped the tears with my right arm. Then I smiled and lead us to my quarters. I had some difficulties to fall asleep because so feared that he would would leave me. So I cried till I was to tired to do anything. Mezoti stroke over my head like she was the older sister of the little sister who was crying.


No ones POV

[Brunali settlement - Icheb's home]

"There's a star called Kelsin Three. To the west is the Orlitus Cluster. There, just above it, when you connect those six stars, they form what we call the Great Horn", Leucon told his son.

"I see it."

"You inherited your love of the stars from your father", Yifay said.

"Being on that starship, you've learned much more about astronomy than I have. Our little window can't compare to Voyager's Astrometrics lab."

"No, but it's nice."

"You see? We have everything we need right here. A warm fire, good food that we grow ourselves, and people who love us."

"Icheb has people on Voyager who love him, too. Especially his mate. I got to see her a few moments. A really beautiful girl."

Icheb shot up.

"Oh my god, I forgot to tell her that I am staying her for the night."

"You've grown attached to the crew on that ship and your mate, haven't you?"

"Yes. They've provided for me, given me opportunities. And they care for me. Especially my girl."

He said the last part smiling, his look letting him seem like he was far away with his thoughts.

"They're good people. People who've experienced hardship themselves. Seven of Nine told me about your science project. She said it might prove very useful."

"It's designed to detect wormholes."

How will that benefit them?" (Leucon)

"It may help them find a way back to Earth."

"Why is that so important to them?"

"It's their home." (Icheb)

"Interesting, isn't it?"

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