chapter- 15

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after finishing breakfast Charlie asked me to think and tell, then he went to work

but Hermione was sitting dumbfounded 

Hermione P.O.V

         i have mixed emotions , when he said he spoiled my life i feel like crying . i really felt great when he talked about my dreams and career but spoiling my life

No never this marriage may be forced but my feelings towards this relationship is true.

Yes i had a crush on him when i first saw him in his house but we never properly talked. when we were matched together a part of me is Happy but now he is changed always talking very coldly.

But me Hermione never fail i will make him understand. i promised myself.

Charlie now you will see a different Hermione.

Dragon Reserve 

      when Charlie entered his colleagues were talking about Him , that is about his Marriage

" someone got married and didn't even invite us " said one of his Colleague.

" Huh we are Friends for Namesake " said Josh with sad pout.

" Guys For God-sake  listen to me " said charlie

he explained marriage law to them and the events happened.

" Great why don't they implement the law here , i will also have a beautiful girl like his wife as my life partner " said josh

" shut up Josh " said Eric

" congratulations charlie "

" Anyway Congrats man , you should introduce her to us " said one of his colleague 

That time someone entered the room

" good morning Guys , whats happening here ?" asked a middle aged man  

" good Morning Chief  " said everybody

" Huh charlie your back very nice " said Charlie

" he went as single but now he is double " said Josh. Eric Hit Josh.

charlie Just glared at them

" what does he mean ? " asked Chief 

" our perfect Charlie is now married man " said one of his colleague 

" congratulations Charlie  " said chief 

"thanks chief " charlie said sternly  

" Ah i forgot what i came to say its about new year party  " , said chief

" PARTY YIPEEEEE........." everyone Excitedly shouted

" Charlie For you special invitation Bring your wife to party " , said charlie

" Chief , but she...." before charlie   could finish

" No buts you are bringing her thats an order , now everybody back to work "

with that he left now charlie was confused how he will ask her to come to party what if she denies? with a confusion he started his work

But in home Hermione has other plans for him


Hermione preparing dinner for her Husband very happily

Hermione P.O.V

   " Hmmm...... Delicious " (tasting  soup which she made )

" Mr Weasley be ready to have a wonderful dinner , today i will wait for you till you come "

But to my surprise he came earlier

" Good evening Charlie " i smiled at him

He is lost for sometime

" hmm Charlie........ charlie........." i said

" Huh......." he said

" Dinner ?"

" yes, let me fresh up " with that he went upstairs

i kept the food on table.

Now right now we are having our dinner together in a pin drop silence as usual he didnt said anything about my food

" Charlie , how is food , you didn't like it ? "

He showed a confusing face

" i mean , you are just playing with food, its not edible ? "

" No...No....its Delicious "

At last it came from his mouth ,that's why i asked i succeed in my first step

i smiled myself. Now i'm going to tell my decision

" Char.........."   " Hermi........" we both started at same time

( laughing) we both laughed

" you go first Hermione " he said

" ok , i thought what you said in morning and decided to study " i said in one go

" Great , i know the Headmaster i will proceed your transferring process " he said

Now we are having dessert

i felt like Charlie is hesitating to tell something

" Charlie what you wanted to say ? " i looked at him

" (sigh ) Huh Hermione in Reserve they are holding New Year Party and everybody want you  to attend" he said

i just starred at him

" its ok if you don't..............."

" i will come...................."


HERMIONE Charles WEASLEYWhere stories live. Discover now