I Need Advice From Yukio

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I... Can't tell him!!!!

"Come on (y/n) yes you can!!"

(I need to talk to some one Who gives good advice)

Ahh! I know! I'll call Yukio!!!

(You dialed his number)


Yukio!!! It's (y/n)!!! You know Seishuu's wife!! I need advice!!

"Let me guess your pregnant"

(He said humorously joking knowing that would never happen)

I am!!!!

"Wait what?!"

I don't know how to tell him!!! I need advice now!!!!!

"Calm Down now.."

How I can't!!!!

"Just be honest with him he'll understand then again he won't since"

"He's and idiot"

He's and idiot

(You both said at the same time)

"Well it's worth a shot"

Yeah I guess I really calmed down. Thank Bestfriend..

"Your welcome anytime.. keep me up to Date will you if it's not to much trouble"

Sniff... thank you..sniff

(You started crying)

"What are you crying?!? You ok?"

Yeah.. !!
(You stopped crying)

"That was quick"

Ok now I'm gonna tell him!!

"Good luck"

Wait there's one more person to call!

(You hung up and dialed another number)


Mrs. Emi?!?!

"No who is this"

Who is this then?!

"This is Seimei Handa.. what is it you want we are not interested in purchasing any items so don't call again.."

No wait!!! This is (y/n)!!!

(You hear over the line)

"Honey who is it?"

"A sales person"

NO ITS (Y/N)!!!!

(You screamed as she heard you)

(Mrs. Emu grabbed the phone from her husband)

"Hello (y/n).. sweety how are you?"

Listen.. I..



(You screamed over the line)

"That's great news!!"

(You then heard a box fall on the ground)

(You turned around)

"(Y/n) what's wrong sweety?"
(stood silent as you turned to see your spouse looking at you wide eyed)
(You dropped the phone staring at him as everything became silent as you felt dizzy and passed out)


(Seishuu out of shock ran to you catching you on time)
"Sensei what's wrong?"

(You turned to see naru)

"(Y/n)!!! Passed out"

"Oh no!!"
(She ran to get help)


(You awoke to see Seishuu grabbing your hand sleeping on the chair)

Oh Sei...
(You heard a bunch of people call your name)


Miwa: It's party time as we welcome another member to our family!! Cheers!!

(Everybody laughed waking up Sei)
Your awake Seishuu....
"I'm... gonna be... a father??!?"

"That's great as soon as soon as the baby is born I'm gonna teach them all about calligraphy!!!!"

Honey.. the baby hasn't even been born..

(Time skip after Handa's idiotic break down)


I'm back home...


(You grabbed Seishuu's hand)
Wanna go watch the stars maybe you'll get inspiration)

"It's late but as long as I'm with you I don't mind.."

Look at that one it's so beautiful...

(You said rubbing bellow your belly where the little life was currently growing inside of you)

Sei I'm shocked and scared..


It's hard to believe that.. right now a life is growing inside of me.. it's scary.. yet I love it at the same time.. inside me their is a piece of you combined with a piece of me.. a baby...

"It is pretty shocking"

I love my baby and you..

"Me to I love you and the child"

I'm loving my life right now..

"Me to.."

So Sei what's your worst fear?

"Something happening to you or my child"

My worst fear is losing this precious child... oh And giving birth... Sei how does it feel? Does it hurt?!?? I'm scared!!

"Why are you asking me as if I've already had one!!"

You sniff.. don't have to yell sniff waaah!!!

(You started crying)

"Let's go home"

Inspirational Desires (Seishuu Handa x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now