I Found You..

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Did you guys see the lost boys yet? I'm waiting for you to see it!! ^......^

(Y/n) !!! Where are you!!!

Hey Sensei!!! I think she went this way!!!

I can't take it anymore that witch lied to me I hate her so dumb....



Handa !!
(You run up to him and give him a hug)

My love!!!!

Cut that out..
(He blushes furiously)


Here (y/n) Have some pickles

Um sure...

(You stare at them and make a disgusted face)

What's wrong?

They look nasty...

What are you talking about you love them!!

(You stare and the smell hits you like a ton of bricks)

Oh god....

(You run out side and throw up by the sunflowers)

(Y/N)!!! You ok!!!

I don't know I've just been under a lot of stress I always get nausea when I deal with this...

Hey Handa I'm going to Mrs. Akiko...

Well... umm
(You stare nervously at him) um see you!!

(You run out)

Mrs. Akiko!!
Yeas dear?
Umm is Hiroshi here?

No dear I'm afraid he's not..

Oh ok.
What's troubling you dear?
I just wanted to tell him something to be honest though I would rather tell you ...
(The door opens and Hiro walks in)

Hey what's up?

Hiro I need your help..

On what?

Inspirational Desires (Seishuu Handa x Reader)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora