Call Me Seishuu

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Chapter 7

Miyazaki pov

My sweet darling (y/n) were could you be (she whispers)
Now now hurry up Miyazaki!!
Why are we even here couldn't we have stayed in the plane.. it's hot...
I wonder if all the cute boys are hitting on her...
well let's go!!
Hold on Sadao I know your in love with her but be patient ok!!
Alright let's go!!


(Y/N) pov
Oh no!! There gonna be here any minute I better get ready right Reo!!
I need to find a good shirt no a dreads I don't know!!!!

Hey Sensei!! Come on !! Let's go!! Meet these people!!!
Hey Sensei what's wrong?
You don't look so well..
It's nothing I'm just tired..

(Suddenly Hiroshi opens the door as he does Handa falls and Hiroshi catches him)
Wow hey!!
(He tounches his forehead)
Ah crap you have a fever!!

Oh no are you ok?!?
(Miwa runs up to them with a worried Naru  while Tama just stares at them and simply walks out hitting here head on the wall)
Typical Tama.


Well we're here...

I think her room should be around here..
What crappy houses
That's not very nice to say Sadao...
Oh!! (Y/N) and a cat?
Ahh!! My (Y/N)!!!
(Miyazaki runs up to her dropping the cat )
Woa calm down!!!
(Suddenly they see a bunch of people run in a certain direction and you decided to tag along so you told your friends to follow you)
Sensei!!! (The cute Naru points at the obvious outsiders)
Oh (y/n)!!  (She runs up and jumps on you)
Woa!! (You balance yourself)
So (y/n) you were talking about them?
So which one's your manager?
(Hiroshi asks)
She is!! (You point at Miyazaki) and this is Sadao Tomoda..
I'm her future husband!!!
What? (Handa and everyone else said)
No way!! (Miwa yells) she's taken!!
Yea she's gonna be with Sensei!!!
(Naru explains)
(They argue until they hear Hina start to cry)
Sorry Hina (you mumble )
Here I'll tell you something but only you can know ok!! Nobody else got it Hina?
Mhmm (she sniffs her nose)
(You whisper something in her ear and she blushes instantly)
Woa what did you tell the kid (y/n) she's completely red!!
Hey Hiroshi ! You've been quiet come over here!!
(He appears annoyed)
So (y/n)!!
(Miyazaki pulls you into her chest and whispers)
So who's the guy?
(You blush and stare at Handa)
Oh I see now (she smirks)
Though I would of preferred the blond kid.. (she walks up to him )
So your Hiroshi?
Yeah what of it..
(She grabs his cheek and pulls his head to her face and kisses him)
(Everybody over reacts accept Handa well he still reacts you know what I mean)
See you later cutie!!
(He just stares at her incredibly out of it)
So (Y/N) what do you guys do here anyways?
They do all sorts of stuff we have had much fun!! (check ova that are soon going to be made)
Here mister!!
(Naru hands Sadao a box)
What is it? (He opens it and throws the box in disgust)
Ahh!! (The box falls on top of your head)
I'm sorry!!!! Love!!
Oh ah it's nothing

(You obviously pissed look at him while all the bugs slide down your face aka caterpillars)
I'm sorry!!
Do you guys have a place to stay?
(You completely ignore Sadao)
No actually I thought we could stay at your place
What no way!! You get your own place only two people can fit!!

I nominate (y/n) to sleep with Sensei!!!
Wha!?!? (You blush)
Ok then sounds like a plan!
Wow!! It's Miwa right?
I can tell we're going to get along fine!!
(They both clap their hands together)
Just don't go trying to kiss each other like last time... (Tamako says)
Well well (Y/N)
What!! My (Y/N)!!!

Wow it's late can you make it by yourselves?
I'm sure I can manage my little brother ahaha!!
I guess so lol..
Before I go can I use your restroom?
Sure Miyazaki!!
Well bye!!!
(They walk away)
Good bye Sensei!!!
(They all walk as Hiroshi continued to touch his lips)
Hiro are you ok?
(You ask)
Yea I'm fine I guess..
(He walks away)
No one's pov

Handa I guess it's you and me huh

Sleep on my bed tonight..
Wha!! (You blush)
I won't be getting much sleepy any way
Oh you'll be busy with your calligraphy...
(You both hear a scraping noice and you walk and open the door only to see your dear pet and companion)
(You bend down and pick him up)
Ahh!! (Handa does one of his scared faces you know the ones he usually does)
Don't worry little Reo won't cause any trouble he's so nice huh kitty!!
(You bend down as he licks your nose)
Come and pet him!! Oh your allergic.. sorry Handa.
Well look he's sorry..
(Handa looks At the cat as it hissed at him)
(I don't trust that cat for a second)
Reo since he's allergic to you'll have to stay with me.. Mind I watch you work?
Sure why not..
Ok Handa...
You know you don't have to call me Handa.. (he blushes)
What? So you want me to call you Sensei?
then what?
Call me (he's red at this point)
Call me Seishuu..
How about Sei?
That's ok to..
(You put your cat down and walk up to him and you can tell he's red at this point and you hug him from behind he doesn't push you away he just continues his calligraphy)
I love your scent..
(you blush really hard)
(He stops what he's doing and you let go as he turns your way and hugs you)
I .... like ...Your smell to.....
Thanks Han... I mean Sei..
(You decide to ketch him off guard)
Oh Sei..
(You lean in while he just stares at you)
Oh my your so red
Seishuu... (you lean in and are about to touch his lips when suddenly you stop )
Gotcha ..
(You fall back laughing )
Your something else..
So have you ever dated any one Sei?
No I'm one of those guys who probably going to die alone I honestly don't have time for a relationship..
Oh I see....
Unless you.... (he turns around and pushes you to the ground standing on top of you)

Wait for me....
(He turns completely red)
(Oh so a promise)

You laugh and touch his cheek

Ok I'll wait...
Sei let's go to sleep...
I can't I have to work I have a competition soon so I can find one
Ok well I'll see you..

Thanks for reading!!!

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