Chapter 3

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I literally jumped a foot into the air when my mom’s high-pitched voice broke the peaceful silence of my dream. Failing to recall it, I shrugged and proceeded to do my morning routine. Shower. I trudged under the mild water, turning the heat up. Brush. I picked up my toothbrush and scrubbed my teeth clean while brushing my hair back with my fingers. Eat. Stumbling, I made my way to the staircase before falling headfirst when my eyesight dimmed and then sharpened, I shifted. Before I knew it, my lithe body tumbled down to the staircase, and I hardly managed to flap my wings to hold myself aloft. A deep chuckle resounded at the top of the staircase, and I turned around, when my father bent down, placing his arm under my talons. Thanks, dad. I said. “No problem.” He walked down the steps and set me down on the couch, “Shift. You need to be ready for school.”

I shifted and joked, “I could have died back there!”

My mother’s voice floated into the room, “Come on, boys. Spencer, you need to be leaving in ten minutes.” My eyes widened and I rushed to the closet, grabbing a quick breakfast made up of cereal and crackers.

Gobbling up the cereal, I bolted down the hall, picking up my bag and hopping in the car. “Ready!” I cried through a mouthful of cereal, “Let’s go, Anny!”

Annabelle skipped into the car, “2nd grade, here I come!”

Chuckling, I said, “Are you really that eager for school?”

My sister nodded and I rolled my eyes. “Come on, Spence! Step on it!” Smirking, I said, “Are you really sure you want me to go fast?” Her face bobbed up and down while her eyes sparkled. “Your choice… Don’t tell me you regret it afterwards.”

She rolled her eyes, “Just go.”

When we got to school, I picked her up and said, “You be good now, okay? Don’t tell anybody about my shift into a hawk.” I looked into her eyes.

“Of course, Spencer. I’m not stupid!”

I nodded uncertainly, “I don’t want people to know about it, sis.”

“Yeah, yeah, whatever.”

I set her down and grabbed her hand, ready to walk her to class. “Spencer…” She warned.

“Oh, yeah! Sorry Anny… I still see that cute little three year old face,” I said, knowing it would make her mad.

Her mouth closed in a tight line, “I am not cute!”

“Fine, fine. Maybe you aren’t cute right now, but you were before!” Before she could make up a comeback, I sped out of there, racing to my class before the bell rang.

Behind me, I heard her small voice, “Look who’s talking, you’re worse than Shrek!”

Chuckling, I muttered, “Well, what can you expect an eight year old to come up with… Really, Shrek?”

Much fainter, I heard her, “Oh damn I have to get to class!”

My eyes widened as I heard her curse. “You’re in for it now, Annabelle.” I muttered to myself. Racing back, I grabbed her arm roughly and spun her around, “Did I just hear you curse, Annabelle?”

She looked shocked, “N- No! I was just saying… Umm… Oh man?”

I heard her voice rise in a questioning tone at the end, “What do you mean by this, Annabelle? We are going home right now. Mom will work up an excuse for both of us.”

“No! Spencer! I swear, it was just a little slip-up!”

“Slip-up, huh? Where did you learn that word, Anny?!” I almost yelled.

She mumbled something incoherent before spluttering, “My friends always say it! The teachers don't say anything…”

“Do you mean to tell me that your teachers don't care when you kids say that word?”

She nodded, still looking at the ground.

I picked her up and placed her at my hip, “Come on. I don't know if Mom will be mad, but she will have to talk to the teachers.”

“Spence… Do you think that Mom will ground me?”

“I don't know… You know it's a bad word, we’ve told you many times.” I had never cursed in my lifetime, except for that one time yesterday, when I had just shifted.

“Lets go, Spence… I want to be here for Art Class!”

I chuckled, “Then lets go. How long do you think it’ll take me to get us home?”

“Err… Ten minutes?”

“Make it five.”

“Okay… ?” She said hesitantly.

I grinned before turning my full attention to the road in front of me…

“Five… Four… Three…”

“Oh just get on with it!”

“Two-One-BLAST OFF!” On ‘OFF’ I stepped on the pedal and grinned maniacally while my sister screamed.

“Spencer! Are you insane?!?!”

I laughed, “Maybe a little.”

“Just get us home without dying!”

Rolling my eyes, I scoffed, “Oh my, do you fear my insane driving skills?”

She shrieked, “If they’re getting us killed, yes! I do!”

“Oh do calm down, I can’t concentrate with all your screaming!” I laughed again.

My sister shut her mouth and looked on with wide eyes, “Please… Don't crash, Spence…” She muttered.

“Anny, have some faith!”

“When I get back home alive, I’ll have more than enough faith in your driving skills, but until then…”

I rolled my eyes, “Look, there’s our house now…” I drifted off.

My sister opened her eyes and looked forward, “Spencer… Is that a-“ Her voice cut off as she began screaming for her life, “Oh my god, Spencer! You’re going to get me killed! Spence, we’re going to crash! Spencer!”

Her shrieking ended as we crashed into a wall, and I jumped over my sister to protect her from debris, “Stay below me…” I said as a piece of wall hit my head and knocked me out.

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