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Lucy's POV

"Are you okay?"

Staring at the male vocalist before me, there stood the man who I met a few days ago. It was Taka. It really is Taka. He looks down at me with concern in his eyes, planting his large palm on my cheek making sure if I was alright. I was speechless, incapable of uttering a word from my mouth. So I instantly nod my head, telling him that I'm fine.

Taka gave a quick smile and face to the large crowd. "Okay guys," he says on the microphone getting the people's attention while grabbing my hand to lift me up from the ground. "Before we start the show, I want everyone to look around you to see if anyone fell so you can pick them up. Can you guys do that for me?"

The audience follow what he instructed them to do. Once helping the fallen fans from the ground, Taka scans the area to see if everyone is up from the floor and nobody was injured. The fan girls surrounding me were all shrieking in a high pitched, excited tone that they were close to the famous vocalist. However, I was not capable of focusing on my surroundings but the man who stood in front of me. I was still in awe, suddenly discovering something so shocking yet absurd about Taka. He glances back at me and squeezes his grip on my hand. I gaze up at the man holding my hand. He continues to keep his genuine smile plastered on his face before letting me go.

"YOU GUYS OKAY?" he shouts at the mic, his voice echoing the stadium.

"YEAH!" the large audience yells back.


And with that, mind-blowing screams and shouts erupted the whole stadium once the music starts to play.

I watch Taka leap five feet above the air, aimlessly twirling and bouncing around the stage. Lights in the stage flashes randomly at the crowd while they vigorously dance around. The audience jump in the air and bob their heads up and down to the roaring music and the fan girls start to squeal when Taka shows off his dance moves.

You would expect me to jump and sing along to their songs.


Not at all.

I stood there, no movement at all with a blank expression across my face. I was still dumbfounded, unable to process in my head of what is happening right now.

Taka...is in a band? More specifically, a Japanese band?

The Taka.

Takahiro Moriuchi.

That I just saved a few days ago.

And kissed.

That Taka?

No wonder he could sing so well. Because he is a singer!

I could almost feel my brain exploding into a million pieces. It seemed so unbelievable that I am dating a famous vocalist from a band. I even recognize the three guys who were playing the instruments. They're the guys who were in the phone call the other day.

An hour has passed by and their show ended once finishing the song We Are. Sudden eye-splitting screams and cheers were heard from all around the stadium as the band says their farewells. Ryota and Toru threw their guitar picks and Tomoya threw his drum sticks at the crowd. People start to exit the stadium, however I only remain in my spot, looking for Taka.

I Promise You Forever | ONE OK ROCK FANFICHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin