Help me

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I was making breakfast for me and Mark. I made sure to wake up early just to make it for him. He's been acting very different recently. He goes out most days after recording ,and doesn't come back till late at night. It's not like I can just leave him because I moved from Ireland to L.A. If I leave him I lose a place to live for now. I have a suspicion he might be cheating on me, but I am probably wrong. Mark wouldn't do that to me. I was trying to grab a plate, but it slipped out of my hand and into the floor. I heard rushed foot steps down the stairs. "What the hell happened?!" Mark yelled as he skidded into the kitchen. "I accidentally dropped a plate. Don't worry Mark." I said as I was sweeping up the pieces of the now destroyed plate. "WHAT THE HELL SEAN!" Mark screamed at me before getting in my face. "Don't be a fucking klutz!" He spat in my face. I fell back into the pile of glass shards. "OW! FUCK!" I screamed. I had shards all over me and cuts too. Mark just looked at me and walked away. "Don't bother me. I'm gonna be recording." He walked into the recording room. I stood up while picking some of the shards out of my hands and arms. I pulled out at least 10. That didn't count the ones in my legs. I slowly walked up the stairs, while flinching and stopping a lot, to our room. I pulled of my skinny jeans ,which I regretted wearing, and got at least 10 more out of my legs. There were some deep cuts and some small "paper" cuts. "Why would Mark do something like this?" I thought will cleaning the cuts. "Maybe he's just angry or something? Tired?" I ran through everything I thought might be wrong with Mark. From his videos he seemed happy. I decided to ask Felix if Mark has told him anything. I pulled out my phone and FaceTimed him. He answered after four rings. "Hey Felix!" I said happily. "How's it going Jack?" He asked. "Has Mark been acting weird or saying anything weird to you?" I asked. "No why?" He asked back. "Maybe he's only being weird around me? But why?" "Jack...Jack...JACK!" Felix yelled to get my attention. "Sorry Felix. Just thinking." I said sadly. "Jack what happened?" I didn't know if I should tell him or not. I decided not to just incase this was just a one time thing. "No, he's just been a bit...distant. Just wondering if he told you why or not." I lied. "Want me to talk to him?" Felix asked. Felix was always kind to me. "No thanks Felix. I think I got it." I said smiling. "Ok later buddy!" Felix said. He fist bumped me through the phone and hung up. I decided to get a shower. Hopefully the rest of the day will get better.

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