Chapter 6: Santa's Coming to Town, Along With a Few Unwanted Guests

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The battle between the Frost Legion and us misfits ended a short time after. My hands were red and painfully stiff from gripping my sword too hard. I looked around to see my friends emerging from their houses. "Are you sure they're gone?" Xon asked timidly. I nodded. "They're gone. I got another snow globe, but I'm not going to use it." They all started to come out again. I dropped down from the building."Why don't you go to the Floating Islands? There are wyverns up there that you can kill for souls. Those souls can be used to make wings." Adam advised.

I smiled as I landed next to him. "Yeah. You want to go, Winter?" I called to my sister. Winter shrugged."I don't have anything better to do. But I have a date with Tyrone later. I can't be late." I rolled my eyes."Fiiine." I whined sarcastically. I looked at Tyrone. "Ok. It's only a date. We can postpone it...." I cut him off,"Nonono. It's perfectly fine if you have a date! I was just messing with Winter!" "Do you need anything before you go?" Xon asked. "Is there anything you need from me?" Morton asked. "Do you need a new hairstyle?" Lola inquired. "Do you need to be healed?" Hattie insisted. "Need any bullets?" Tyrone offered."How 'bout explosives?" Dolbere asked. "Guys guys! We're ready to go! But thanks anyway!" I smiled warmly.

We set out and retrieved so many presents it was unbelievable. We returned to our house at about 2:47 in the morning. We only had about 2 hrs 8 minutes to sleep. I crashed in my bed as soon as I opened the gifts. I decided to go to the islands tomorrow. But my dreams prevented me from doing so.

It started out normal. I was home, my friends and sister were with me, Adam was next to me, but then it got weird. An army of goblins and snowmen and Wyverns attacked us. I stood in the middle of it all switching around, looking at my dead friends. Winter's chest had an arrow through it. I gasped. I ran over to her, hoping she wasn't dead. Adam coughed. I ran over to him. He grabbed my hand as I crouched down. His eyes were closing as his breathing slowed until finally, he died. The world seemed to become all corrupted and I was the only one left. None of them ever returned ever again.

I awoke, my head drenched in sweat. I looked at my sister and then to the door. With my hands shaking, I changed my clothes and walked quietly out the door. I was surprised to see Adam, sitting on his raised porch outside his house, pondering. "Hey," I said quietly. Thankfully, I didn't startle him. He looked down at me. "Hey," he greeted softly. I swung my grappling hook and scaled the building. I plopped down next to Adam as we looked at the sky. "What's the matter? Are you ok?" Adam asked as he put his hand on mine. I shook my head, tears coming to my eyes. "I had a nightmare. It started out happy, but then an army of wyverns, goblins, and snowmen attacked, killing everyone but me. I ran over to you, and you died in my arms. Then the world became completely corrupted and nobody ever spawned again. I was alone. Forever." I shivered. Adam became concerned. "Are you alright? Are you cold?" I looked at him with a smile. "I...I'm fine." I stammered. I lost track of what I was doing as his soft dark eyes twinkled like stars. I blushed and looked away. 'Why am I so stupid?!' I screamed at myself internally.

Adam looked down. He was obviously hurt. His auburn hair blew in the wind, making my heart race. He looked up at me again with a warm smile. "Why don't you come inside? It's cold out here." He said softly as he stood. Adam extended a hand to me. I smiled and took it. He pulled me up and brought me inside. I looked outside to see Santa appear along with zombies and slimes, but I didn't go out. I wanted to stay with Adam.

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