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"I think we should go our separate ways. We haven't been on good terms lately and you know it. I just can't do this anymore." I blinked in disbelief at the scene unfolding before me. It was like everyone in the cafeteria stopped what they were doing to watch what was about to happen.

"You can't be serious right now. We always work through our problems and now you coming at me with this bullshit?" Raya asked, tears threatening to escape.

Chelez sucked her teeth with a clear look of disgust on her face. "I knew this bitch was going to do this. You couldn't have told her in private?" She whispered harshly, looking around at all the unwanted attention.

Shad glanced at her, wanting to say something but focused his attention back on Raya instead. He knew like I did, responding back to Chelez would only escalate the issue at hand. That girl had no problem making a scene and would've embarrassed the hell out of him easily. "You can understand where I'm coming from right?"

Raya stared at him like he was stupid. "What? Understand? You must think I'm slow, is this because of Alexis?" She accused him watching his facial expression change, giving her the answer she wanted. "Wow and here I thought my girls were lying about you."

I shook my head not really wanting to be here. I hated drama but I knew Raya would need me.

"Look, it's not even like that."

"Oh it's not? Lie one more time" She dared him, watching him open his mouth to speak. "You know what don't even bother, we're over anyways." Raya turned to get her things only to be stopped by Shad.

"Please Raya, we can still be friends at least."

From the corner of my eye I could see Alexis emerge from the crowd to stand by him. "Let's just go. What's done is done alright?"

As soon as those words left her mouth, Chelez balled up fist connected to her jaw sending a sickening sound throughout the cafeteria. A bunch of ohh's flowed from peoples mouths as they watched Alexis body fall to the ground. As soon as Shad went to help her, Raya and I both grabbed ahold of a very pissed Chelez and practically pulled her through the crowd that had formed around us.

When we finally got away far enough, we let go and sat her down near a bench to let her cool down. "You didn't have to do that. I had everything under control." Raya stated crossing her arms wanting to be mad over what happened but I knew she wasn't.

"Please, that girl had it coming sooner or later. The nerve of her to just waltz her bad built ass next to Shad like everything was cool. The fuck she thought?"

I had to fight back at a laugh as Chelez mimicked Alexis infamous walk. "Are you ok though Raya?"

She sighed loudly, taking a seat next to Chelez and leaned her head on her shoulder. "Honestly Mariah, at this point I'm just over everything. He's not worth an ounce of my tears anyways. If anything, I owe you two an apology for not even believing a word ya'll said. I should've known better from the jump."

Chelez wrapped her arms around Raya and pulled her in close. "Now you know to listen to the same friends that told you from the start that idiot was no good. He might look good and the sex probably was nice but that's all he had to offer. I know a snake when I see one."

"I know, I know and next time I will listen. I just thought that I could change him you know?"

"And that's what always gets you hurt Raya. You can't change those that think nothing  is wrong with themselves or their actions." That was a major fault that she had. She had a "type" that for some reason she couldn't seem to shake. "Now that you're single maybe you should get to know Damien. He could be a good friend for you at least."

Just One More Night •Christian Yu•Where stories live. Discover now